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Next day..


I drag Jennie with me because I was too scared to go alone. But, I didn't  tell her that I'm gonna go to a dance battle.

I'm outside the what it's call? Oh yea the underground  ruby  hall whatever it's call.

"I don't recognise  this place Lisa. I never touch this place in seoul before." Jennie said worryingly.

"To be honest, same."

"Then. Why are we here?!" She slap my arm.

It took is complete  3 hours to reach this place. Good thing we left early.

"I'll explain later." I said

"Well, explain now. We are in front of some type of famous company's building that I never heard of. Ruby what again?" Jennie whines.

We're standing right in front  of the door of the building. Debating  whether  to enter the place. It looks so professional tho. We are just wearing  sport wear and the people in there  are in suits.

"I think Hana send me the wrong address" I mumbled

"Hana? Hana who?" Jennie asked.

"I think she send me the wrong address ." I said

"You know your not answering my questions Lisa. Since this morning. Can you just tell me why are we here? And who is Hana?" She whines

The reason  why I don't  wanna tell Jennie is because. She is gonna kill me if I said I was going to a dance competition. She won't  let me go in the first place. Since we are here. Might  as well Tell her .

"Hana asked me to join a dance battle  against  her. She send me this location."I said

Her face expression  changed to scared to angry.

"Lisa! Hana? That Hana you mean Hana from Ten's class. Do you know she is trouble? That girl is the so called master dancer. Why would you even agree to this. Oh my god Lisa. You could  have told me." She face palm.

"She said it would just be a friendly  match. Besides, I can take her." I said.

"Friendly match? Yea sure... she is testing  you for a reason. She is seriously  good at dancing. If you  ask Ten. He would know it too." She said.

Ten did mention she is a dancer.

"I mean. I can't  blame you for agreeing  you don't  know her-"

"Lisa?" I heard  my name being call. It's Hana.

"Oh my. I told you to wait inside. I was finding  all over for you." She said.

"Did I mention I hate  her?" Jennie mumbled before Hana ran towards us.

I chuckled and nod. I kinda  not like her too.

"Oh hi. Hye Na." Jennie greeted  with a smile. Hye Na? Is that her real name?

"Jennie Kim? Why are you here? You can't  invite uninvited  people here you know Lisa. This place is private." Hana said and cross her arms.

"It's okay you can trust her." I said but Jennie cut in

"Omg. Kim Hye Na. You don't even deserve  the surname Kim for not inviting me." Jennie said and pretending  to be shocked. Hana just rolled her eyes.

Yea the Kim surname are pretty popular in Korea.

"You know what. I'm not gonna fight you cause. I'm only interested  in Lisa. By the way. Please call me Hana. That's the name I'm known for. Hye Na is only for family." She said trying to keep a friendly face.

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