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Ten's POV


It's another day at school.

I'm actually getting over the fact that Lisa will hate my guts forever.

I remember when Jennie went to talk to her last week and then Taeyong and Yuta fought they are still not in good terms..  I haven't seen them talk since then. For Jennie, she haven't came to school too..

Aish, i don't even know what is going on with my life.

It's just turning upside down.

I walk along the hallways of the school.

"Morning Ten!" A girl said

I just smiled back at her.

"AHHH HE IS SOO CUTE" She screams

"Ha! Not fair!" Another girl said and then suddenly everybody in the hallway start saying good morning.

Is this really happening?

I sighed and ignore them.

This is happening again. Always.

I can't never give a girl attention at school. Things like this happen. I'm pretty sure there is so many other freaking good looking boys in my school they could go for that are single.

Damn, I would even be gay for some of them... There's Taeyong, Lisa's friend Jungkook, that one freaking new junior Vernon, Taehyung... The list goes on and on. I can't name all of them.

(I'm just listing names that I can think of atm.)

Plus all of them are so socialable but they still want to talk to a boy like me?

Maybe they don't go for younger boys?

Look I don't give a crap. I just wish they treat me like every other boy in this school.

Why do they have to do this to me?

"Morning Ten! I don't think Lisa is a good person for you. I saw her hanging out with a thug behide the shopping malls" a random girl suddenly said.

"Morning" I mumbled.

"So about Lisa. Im being serious. That's why she hasn't been around. I feel  like she is skipping school because of those thugs" She said

This is what I mean. I get this everyday? Do they expect me to belive that? The same thing everyday. About Lisa?

Ok I'm done with this.

"I don't understand! Do you like it if I were to talk fake bullshit about you?" I said.

"It's not fake. Why would I lie to you. She is a terrible person" She smiles.

Are you fucking kidding me right now.

"Did you even heard what I just said?" I said

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