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Class ended when the bell rang. All of us stood up getting ready to head out to the cafeteria.

I was waiting for Jennie while she packs her books in her bag.

"Hey Lisa. Why didn't you come yesterday?" Jungkook ask out from nowhere.

"Oh,um.. I was very tired." I lied.

"Oh.. I hope you're feeling better today." He smiles

I nod with a smile too.

"By the way, Ive been wondering. Would you Like to go-"

"Lisa, Let's go. Im done packing" Jennie cut what Jungkook was about to say.

"One minute" I said and she nods and walk up to me and Jungkook

"As you were saying?" I asked Jungkook

"Um, its okay. Ill tell you later." He laughs.

"Why? Is it because im here? I can go away if you want?" Jennie said and was about to turn around

"No, Its okay. Im good.Ill Just talk to her later. My friends are waiting" he said

"Oh.. okay let's go Lisa" Jennie say and hold my hand, she was basically pulling me away from Jungkook.

I didn't say anything and just follow her.

She didn't said anything until we reach the cafeteria.

"What did he say before I came?" She ask as we were sitting down on our tables.

"I don't really know. He ask if I would Like somthing? Before you cut him off" I said and she raised her eyebrows

"Hmm.. Okay. But, I feel like I know what he wants to tell you tho" She said.

"Do you?"

"Yea.. but, let's just wait till he really tells you."

I wasn't that curious. He probably asked if I would like to do a study group or would like to be his partner for the upcoming science project. That's why he would tell me later since its not that important yet?

I don't know.

After some while We notice the boys aren't here yet. Where are they tho?

"Wonder where are the boys?" I asked Jennie

"Don't care" She said and taking a bite out of her sandwich.

Yea I forget she doesn't care about them.

After that we both were having normal conversation. Its good to talk to a friend. Its been soo long since I get to just sit a talk to a female friend.

As we were talking, somebody sat in our table. I didn't really cared if the person did. I was deeply listening to Jennie.

"So, I was like-"

"Um Lisa?" The person said. I know that voice.

I turn my head and saw Yunji.

My eyes widen. She cut her hair. Its so short.

"Excuse me. I was talking to Lisa.."Jennie pout and sighed.

"Oh, sorry for disturbing." She said

"Its okay. What are you doing here?" Jennie said looking curious too at Yunji

"I wanted to talk to Lisa, about Ten." She said. I sighed. Her obsession with Ten is still here?

"I told you. Im not gonna help you anymore-"

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