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"It's nobody's fault that relationship can be confusing. It's just a part of Love."

"Happy Birthday Jennie!!" Lisa said when she enters Jennie's house.

It's been a while since Lisa met Jennie. It's been two years since they left high school and they only met a few times after that.

"Lisa!! It's been so long. Thank you for coming!!" Jennie said and gave Lisa a tight hug.

"Thank you for inviting me." Lisa said

"Your welcome. Come in, come in. The house is pretty crowded because of my college friends but they are nice don't worry." Jennie said and hold Lisa's hand leading her to the main area where socialising happens.

Lisa look around and saw familiar faces. Some of them are total stranger to Lisa.

"Is Jisoo coming?" Jennie asked

"She said she is on the way." Lisa said

"Great. Go socialize Lisa. I'll grab you a drink." Jennie said.

Lisa nods in reply.

One of the reasons Jennie and Lisa aren't that close with each other anymore is because of her relationship with Taeyong.

Taeyong and Jennie is completely in love with one another. They couldn't leave their eyes of each other. Their relationship was intense.

But, that didn't bother Lisa. Obviously, Lisa respects Jennie no matter what and she have no saying in their relationship. Lisa eventually got closer to Jisoo.

Jisoo is currently Lisa's soulmate. They literally do everything together after Lisa's big break up.

From a far Lisa could see Jennie with two drinks on her hands but suddenly Taeyong walk to her and place his hands on her waist pulling her away.

Lisa just chuckles and shakes her head.

"Their love is surely something else." Lisa mumbles to herself.

She start walking out the crowd knowing Jennie isn't coming back.

It's been awhile since I've been in her house.

Suddenly she got a phone call, she was guessing it was Jisoo.

But, it turns out to be Joseph?


"Unnie.... when are you coming to meet me? I wanna make cookies with you again." Joseph said and Lisa smiles.

"Joseph, I told you that I'm coming tomorrow right? Be patient okay?" Lisa said

Suddenly Lisa felt a tap on her shoulder which made her startled.

She turns to see a smiling Jisoo.

"Don't do that!" Lisa whispers/yelled to Jisoo.

"Don't do what?" Joseph answered

"I'm not talking to- Joseph I have to end the call now. See you tomorrow right?" Lisa said an end the call.

"Jisoo, don't scare me like that." Lisa pouts.

"Stop being a baby. I didn't even scare you." Jisoo chuckled.

"But Still." Lisa said and rolled her eyes.

"Where's birthday girl?" Jisoo ask looking around the house.

"You won't probably see her in awhile. Her boyfie got her look up." Lisa chuckled

"As expected." Jisoo said

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