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"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I cursed at him. I wanted to slap the smirk out of his face. He just freaking push my mom down on the floor.

"Lisa, its been soo long. I've miss you so much." He said.

I look at him in disgusted. I look at him up to down in his suit. I know he is a million air. I know he owns a company. I know he left me when i was 5 and never cared about me.

Rich bastard.

"Please leave" I said.

I close my eyes and said it. I don't wanna look at this proud face.

"What do you mean? I came all this way for you." He said. I rolled my eyes.


"For me? You was never for me. Please leave me and my mother alone sick bastard." I yelled at him.

I couldn't stand his presence in the house. Why the hell is he even here? God, just let him leave. I don't wanna see his face.. my mother doesn't want to see his face too.

I look over to Ten, he was just staring at the man in front of us with his arm crossed . His stare was fill with anger and annoyances.

I sighed

"But, you agree don't you?" The man said

"Agree to what?" I bitterly said.

"Didn't your mom told you? You have to leave this house."

My eyes widen. I remembered mom mentioning about him yesterday. I have to leave. BUT I DIDN'T AGREE.

"You have to come home with me. To my family, my new loving wife and our 5 year old son"

My jaw dropped


His family?

Loving wife?


What bullshit.

I have a step brother?!

"Heck no! Im already at home. With my loving mother. Never agreed to this bullshit" I bitterly laughed in disbelief.

"Well.. I guess your mom have to quit her job" He said.

I remembered she said to me yesterday. He will make her quit her job. Why does he wants me so bad? Why must he do this to us?

"Your just a fucked up dude" I heard Ten said IN ENGLISH. The man straight away look at Ten.

Some reason the way he said it is soo hot. Especially in English.

Stop it Lisa. This is a serious situation.

"And who are you?" He asked curiously. IN ENGLISH TOO. I didn't know he understands english.

Ten smirks and shakes his head.

"seriously? Ive been here seen you started breaking in the house. You haven't notice me?" Ten answered.

"I ask who are you?" The man ask again in a serious tone.

"Why do you wanna know?" Ten raised his left eyebrow.

"Oh I see. Your dating my daughter-"

"-I disapprove" he said.

"How bout you leave my life and enjoy your new life?! You're not even my father. You can't tell me what to do. I date who i want. I stay here with my mother." I said.

UNEXPECTED | tenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now