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"Your joking?" Jennie give me the 'come on' face. I shake my head. Nope.

"Your not?" Jennie pouts. I shake my head again.

"Well, damn. Ten, Never thought you were this romantic with Lisa" She said with a small giggle.

Last night, was something. Very Unexpected.

"He is not being romantic. Just kind." I said and rolls her eyes.

"Yea sure, piggy back rides him. Not romantic at all?" She said. How is that romantic. He was just being helpful.

"He carries me, cause im scared.. that's all" I say.

"Lisa, do you have any idea? Ten won't just carry anybody. He is Ten. Ive been seeing him for years. He hasn't change. Until.. you came" she said. I don't know how to feel. Maybe? He'll change his mind about me?

I don't feel special. I belive he can be as kind to other people too.

I pout and Jennie laughed. I can't think right now. I don't like Ten. Do I?

"Lisa, Lisa.. your so innocent." She laughs. Im not innocent. Im pretty badass.

The hallways went quiet again. I already kmew who is walking down those hallways. Everytime..

I turn and saw Ten. Walking as fine as always.

He looked at me.

He smiles.

My heart. Is. Fluttered.

Ten, Ten why are making my heart beat ten times faster? As he walked by, same old eyes staring at him by all the girls. Girls admire him. Ten, Ten why do you ignore girls who likes you?

"Did he just smiled at you? Oh my god. This is seri- ARE YOU BLUSHING?" Jennie gasp as she looked at me. I cupped my cheeks with my palm. Im embarrassed

"Are you guys Like secretly dating? This is impossible. This is a miracle." Jennie chuckled. In my eyes, I see Ten as normal guy. Others see him as this cold hearted man. I just don't get it.

The hallways fills up with soft whispers. Huh?

Why is everyone looking at me?

With their disguted face, they point at me. What happen? Is it about Ten.

"This is what I mean" Jennie sighed and hold my hand. Pulling me away from the hallways.

It was just a smile. Smiles happens in a daily basis. If their gonna start bitchin' about Ten smiled at me. I swear



Some reason. I feel like going back to the convenience store. Maybe, I wont meet Ten there after school. But, I just want to remember what happen last night. Feels like a dream.

Jennie as usual does her club activities after school. I have no other friends. I wish I do.

It makes me sick that i think about ten alot now.

I take a deep breat, strong wind today.

Leaves falling from the trees, my hair is going crazy. Walking down the same path I always use to go home after school.

I took a turn,

I want to go to the store.



I look at the store. I was stuck in there last night.

I softly laugh at myself. I was being such a baby last night. I can't belived I ask Ten to carry me.

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