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You have been warned.


Lisa's POV

I pull Ten into the girl's restroom.

"Lisa, I don't think I'm allowed to be in here." Ten mumbles.

I ignore him and lock the the restroom door. Leaving only us in the empty restroom.

I glance towards the empty stalls of toilet making sure nobody was in here.

"Come here." I said to Ten. I ask him to stand infront of the sink with me.

"Look at yourself.." I mumbled. I look at the mirror and saw his reflection as he look up to the mirror too.

"You have bruises on your face now.." I said. I'm mad at him. He wouldn't tell me who was the guy that punch him.

"Lisa, It will go away. Don't worry about my face." He said the same thing he said earlier.

"Okay fine. It will go away. But, I want to know who was that man who punch you. Why did you get into a fight? Tell me." I said strictly.

But he stay silence.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief.

I sighed as I took some tissue paper and soak it with water. I bring the damp tissue paper to his face. I wipe some blood off his face. His lips was cut too. There were also small cuts around his face. I continue to wipe his face as he stares  me down.

He hissed in pain when the damp tissue paper touches his cuts.

"I don't know about you.. but, I'm worried. You said this was a friend type of gathering. I haven't seen that man before... and why was Bambam there! I know him Ten. I know he is up to something... seeing him with you just now, hurts me. He said something to you didn't he? Please tell me.." I said almost pleading. My eyes was getting teary but I quickly look away avoiding eye contact with him.

"Lisa, i just.. don't know where to start." He said.

I look at him.

"Then, take your time. I have all night to listen to you... " I said and he sighed.

Is there something wrong? Why doesn't he want to tell me?

"He-" He was about to talk until loud banging came from the door.

My eyes widen.

"Is anybody in there? I don't think anyone is in there. Take the key!!" We heard a women out side.

Oh shit! Ten is in here. Why did I bring him in here again?

Ten suddenly grab my wrist pulling me into one of the toilet stalls. Did I mention, He did that roughly. Making me smash against his body. He quick lock the door and hugged me.

"Shhh...." he whispers in my ear sending chills all over my body.

Later we heard the door from outside open. My heartbeats faster. Please don't catch us.

"I'm sorry ma'am for the delay. I think there is something wrong with the door." Somebody said that could be the chalet's staff.

"About time! I need to touch up my make up!" A girl said sounding very annoyed.

We hear her sing with her weird cracking voice. I wanted to laugh so badly but Ten is squeezing the heck out of me.

After a new minutes in the same position. The lady finally left the restroom.

Ten let go of me and I look up at him.

"Are you gonna just stand there now?" I asked.

"What?" He asked like he forget what we were talking about earlier.

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