27 (part1)

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This chapter is something different I guess. Hope u like it <3

Unknown POV

That bitch thinks she can win him over me huh?

Taeyong and Ten are mine! How dare they...

I am gonna make one of them mine. Until I pick them both of them can't date no girls. They don't understand how much I love Them both. Girls don't know how to love them. The way I do. Ha... Ha...

Hmmm, Since hundreds of people expose me. It's gonna be hard to win their hearts.

But, if Anything both of them are mine.

I'm gonna do something naughty.

I also heard that Taeyong finally has a girlfriend. I'm not surprised it's that bitch. Jennie.

Ten is still single which is good but I know he has been eyeing on Lisa since day one.

I'm gonna win over them. They can't beat me.

I smirked and walked towards me two handy bodyguards.

"Bring them both here now. I mean now and tonight. Make sure you note both the boys too. I want to make them come here to see how good am I infront of those girls." I Smiled.

"Isn't that too extreme My lady?" One of them asked me.

"Huh! What do you mean?! It's not extreme at ALL. Do you think im crazy or something? Do as I say. I don't pay you for nothing." I snapped at them. Extreme my ass.

"Lady, have you taken you medicines yet? You seem a little off today?" He said worryingly. I scoffed.

"I don't need them. I'm not crazy you idiot. IM NOT CRAZY OKAY?!" I yelled at them.

"Change of plans. I'll just grab the boy's attention myself. You guys just get the girls." I sighed. Is it so hard for them to follow my instructions. Now I have to deal with the boys myself.

"Okay my lady. Even though... it will consider us kidnapping-"

"I DON'T CARE! GET GOING NOW!" I yelled at them and they start running away.

Damn, why can't they just listen to me?! Simply instructions..

Im just gonna get ready...

Im going to face my boys soon better look good winning from those two girls.

A slight giggle left my mouth following a smirk. Can't wait for tonight.


Third Person POV


"Lisa, I want to say I'm sorry if I ignore you most of then time at school. Since we are getting closer. I don't want people go bother you. You know how the school reacts if Im close with a girl." Ten said

"Noo, im fine with it. It doesn't bother me " Lisa smiled. Actually it bothers her. She doesn't care what the school thinks. She just want Ten to not care about what other girls will think. Beside, they aren't dating... yet...

"Sorry again.." Ten apologise and Lisa just nods and they just continue walking.

"Bye Ten, thanks for walking me home." Lisa said to Ten.

"Are you sure you want me to stop here?" He pouts.

"Yea.. its okay Ten. Its not that far. I don't want to burden you to follow me that far. Anyways, my house is just few blocks ahead. I'm good to go from now" Lisa said. Ten didn't want to let her walk off alone. But, It's been weeks since they walk home together and Lisa would always stop asking Ten to follow her at this same position.

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