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Its been a week since me and Ten's conversation at the school dance studio.

Ten is closer to me then ever. He now sits together with me and Jennie's table. Not only that he bring all his friends along.

Jennie was not okay with it at first. But, now she is laughing like crazy together with them.

Ten is so cute. He will leave chocolates on my table every morning. Everybody starts to think that we are dating. Honestly, I know I admire him alot. I only see him as my best friend.

We are particularly best buddies.

Im happy that he introduce me to his friends. Their um 'something'

About Yunji she still come to me asking when will she date Ten. But, Her clingy and chirpy self is gone. I kinda miss her old self. But, Im happy that she isn't that desperate anymore.

Im just in my bed rolling around. Im so lazy today. What should I do...

I took my phone and go to my contact list. Ten? Nah..


Calling Jennie..

"Yes Hoe?"Jennie answered. How nice way to say hello. This is why I love her.

"Jennie, that's not very nice of you." I sarcastically say.

I could sense her eyes rolling.

"Sorry ma'am" She said with her British accent making me laugh.

"Okay, what's up Lalisa baby" She said.

"Nothing, such bored. honey" I reply. There was a long silence...


"You need to call Ten honey. Not me honey" she said making me shoked air.

"What? I told you for the million time. We are iust friends. He don't see me in that way." I said.

She always like to start conversation about Ten.

"Yea sure, says the one who has been receiving chocolates every morning by the one and only who? Yes TEN" She sarcastically said. Aish this girl.

"He is just being a good friend" I tell her and she laughs

"Haha, Im a good friend. But, I ain't gonna buy you chocolates all day." She said. She do got a point. But still.

"He is just being extra nice" Thinking again, why do he gave me chocolates everyday? It does sounds weird. But, seriously we don't have feelings for each other. At least i think i don't

"Yea, being Nice TO the girl he first talked to in like 10 years. The girl he first hugged in like 10 years.  The girl who made him laugh and smile in like 10 years. The girl that he is following around like a little puppy. The-"

"Jennie....." I cut her off.

She thinks so much..

"Im just telling you Lisa. You should notice it by now. He likes you" She bluntly said. What? What is she talking about. Ten doesn't even want to date a girl.. remember he doesn't want to hurt his admirers.

"Nice bullshit you got there" I said and I hear her chuckled.

"Lisa, I can't wait till one day he confess to you like those anime under the cherry balsam trees." She said I gave her a death stare but remembered she can't see me. We are calling on the phone lisa..

"Ew, I hate Cliché things." I goarn.

"Says the one need somebody to carry her in the dark." She said. I can smell her smirks. I whined and she laughs.

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