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I couldn't sleep the whole night. I was just thinking about TODAY.

A week has past after what happen. Our conversation in the dance studio. When I found out that I actually



He notice I was trying to avoid him. But, I made up and excuse saying I wasn't feeling too well. He didn't bothered me cause he wants me to get better soon.

He even place more candies on my table.

Im sick

Im sick and tired of myself.

Ten I feel so bad lying to you.

I rolled over and over my bed. I hate myself..

Its 7 and I haven't fall asleep yet....

What the hell is wrong with meee....

Enough Lisa. He won't find out. Anyways, im just gonna tell Yunji that I like Ten now and I can't help her.


Damn it. Its not

She likes Ten too..

"FuCK!" I cursed.

"Lisa are you awake?" Oh no, mom heard me.

Quickly pretend to sleep. I cover my face with my blankets. But, she already came running into room.

She switch on the light.

Noooooooooooooooooooo why would she do that.

I goarn and I can her laugh.

"Off the lights please. Its 7" I told her.

"Nope, I heard you cursing. What's the problem Lalisa" She asked. These walls are paper thin huh?

"Sorry Mom." I said and she turn off the light.

"No cursing okay in this house." She said.

I sighed and wanted to curse more right now.

"By the way, aren't you supposed to meet somebody today? Get ready early. Don't be lazy" She said before leaving my room and closing the door.

My mom is cute. But, I have no time for this. Time to get ready.



Okay Now im freaking out.

Seriously, what is happening to me. I haven't even eaten breakfast, haven't bath, haven't even pick and outfit to wear today. I haven't even get out of bed.

This is killing me. Im not being lazy. Im just scared.

Shut up Lisa. He invited you to his house to hang out maybe? I don't know. Should I ask him...

Maybe not.

Argghhhh, this is stressful

After my annoying whining, I finally build up myself. If I stay like this all day, I won't go to Ten's house.

Done showering, I pick up and outfit to wear. Basic tee and shorts. I don't like to dress up.

I when downstairs and saw my mom watching tv

"Finally awake?" She chuckled and I pout and drop myself on the sofa right beside her.

"Today, my daughter is very lazy" she said.

"Im not lazy. Just... i don't know.."

"Where are you going? You look worried" She said. Mom always can read all my facial expressions.

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