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"Lisa, can I talk to you for a minute?" My mom ask as we entered the house.


"Do you know him?" She asked

"Yea I do."

"Do you trust him?"

"Yes I trust him"

"Is it safe to let him in the house?"

"He is. Don't worry mom. He is trust worthy trust me. He is my good friend." I told her.

She would always get scared when new people comes in to the house even though she is the one who invites them.

Sily mom.

Mom went upstairs to get some medicine for Ten. He has been drinking plus he is some how injured his leg.

I leaning against the wall looking down. I wanted to walk up to him and ask him a million questions. But, I shouldn't.

his hands were covering his face. Sitting down on the sofa. I bit lips when i see him in that position why does he look like he is suffering? And how does he managed to look still hot?

Ok lisa cut it out.

What is Taking mom so long?

Awkward silence was around us.

I still couldn't get over the fact we almost kissed. Im not gonna make such a big deal out of it cause I know he was drunk. Well, not that drunk but, I know he didn't mean it.

Im just curious why he came to my house at 1 in the morning. Tomorrow there's school.

Wait, isn't his mom gonna be worried.

I should talk to him.

I slowly walked up to him and sat beside him. He notice my presence so he let his hands fall of his face and look at me.

Look at those sad eyes, why does he look so stressed out?

I wanted to hold him tight

"Im sorry to be bothering you this late at night" he said

"Its actually very early in the morning" i corrected him

He smiles and shake his head.

"Your cute. By the way, thanks for coming down to the backyard. I thought you would think im crazy serial killer" he said

Well, I know that voice and I know its him. I can't imagine him as a serial killer even though he called me at the weirdest time.

"Your welcome" I smiled

After that it was silence again. His smile also faded away.

I notice he was mumbling afew words but I couldn't hear him. Is he talking to himself?

"Did you say something?" I asked.

"Oh- I um I- I was apologising.. Im sorry" he said and makes me curious.

"Why are you apologising?"I asked.

"Im sorry for being so jealo-"

"Im back sorry for taking so long." Suddenly my mother came down and pass me the medicine for Ten.

Yea, I realised she took a long time. And I also noticed her eyes are red. Was she crying?

"Quickly grab a glass of water and give it to the poor boy" My mom told me with a worried expression. I nod and ran to the kitchen.

UNEXPECTED | tenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now