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3rd Person POV

Few days have past.

Ten and his family were still outside Rosé's hospital room. Waiting for her to be awake from her coma.

Lisa went back to the camp with a broken heart.

Jennie have been worried because of Lisa. According to Seulgi, Lisa haven't left her room since she got from the hospital. When Jennie comes and visit Lisa, she didn't even talk and she didn't eat. Lisa was literally broken.

Jisoo drove her home that day without telling her the truth and Lisa damn well knew Jisoo knows a lot of things but hides the truth from Lisa..

"Come on Lisa... eat something.." Jennie said as she sat on Lisa's bed shaking her arm to wake her up.

"You have been sleeping since the morning. It's almost night. What's wrong Lisa? Tell me. What happened to you?" Jennie said but Lisa didn't bother to answer her friend.

"I bought her a burger." Seulgi said and place a bag of McDonald's paper bag on the bed side table next to her bed.

"Lisa w-"

"Give me the burger." Lisa suddenly said which surprised Jennie.

Seulgi quickly grab the paper bag and gave it to Lisa.

Lisa sat up and slowly took out the burger and took a big bite out of it.

As she was eating. She suddenly cry.

"I don't understand!! What did I do wrong?!?! I'm just so confused. Why isn't anybody telling me the truth?!! Damn this burger is good!!" Lisa cries as she took another big of her burger.

"You shouldn't be talking while you eat." Jennie said

"Shut up!!" She said and continues eating the burger as she whines.

"Y-you must be hungry.." Seulgi mumbles.

"Here, I bought another burger but it's for me but you can hav-" before Seulgi could finish what she was saying Lisa already grab another paper bag off her hands.



"She ran away for a reason Mom!!" Ten yells to his parents.

"Honey, we are in public.. don't yel-"

"Mom I don't care. Isn't it obvious? She doesn't want to marry me.. she ran away so that she don't have to deal with our family bullshit. I still can't believe you made us agree to an arrange marriage. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You force a girl to marry a boy she doesn't  love until she even have to lie about having a sickness so she could delay the marriage. Just cancel this contract. What's so hard?! Don't let both of us suffer anymore.." Ten said to his parents. His parents just looked down

They didn't know what to say. Yes of course they both care about Ten and Rosé and yes they also admit this isn't fair for them.

"I don't love her.. I love. I love- I love Lisa.." Ten confessed and both of his parents gasp in shocked.

"I didn't know... I'm sorry Ten. We are sorry.." Ten's dad said

"But..." he continues then look at his wife.

"But what?" Ten asked

"If we cancel the contract... Rosé's family in Australia wants her to go back to Australia and she won't be able to come back to Korea.. and she have to leave her step mother behind. You know how much she loves her step mom... she loves Mrs Park as much she loves her real mom." His dad said making Ten sighed.

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