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(This chap was Republish )
Warning: might some minor spelling and grammar mistakes in the chap.


Im just floating on the pool with Ten's arm around my waist as everybody jump into the pool, splashing water everywhere.

I was too shy to look at Ten. My heart was beating so god damn fast. Im soo ashamed, Im sure i look terrible. I can't let Ten look at me. My makeup is probably smudged too.

"Are you okay?" He whispers in my ear making me jump. Im used to his voice being this near just that, its been a while since I hear it that close.

I just nod not looking at him with my body shivering. Its cold tonight.

"Oh my god guys" I hear a familiar voice said. I look up and saw Jennie covering her mouth but later reveals a evil smirk.

"Hehehe So cute" She giggle and took out her phone. Oh no...

Is she gonna take a photo of us?

.....yup she did.

The camera light flash towards me and Ten. That lil poop. Why?!

"Got it, bye bye" She chirps and ran off. I want to chase her but, I was still in the position where I can't move. I don't want too.

"Hey, its okay. It could be memories" Ten said, memories like this? What are we gonna think when we see the picture in the future?

Before I could say anything he let go of my waist then hold my hand. He guide me out of the pool of humans and he jump out the pool handing his hand out for me.

Without hesitation, I grab onto his hand and he pulled me out. Our clothes were soaking wet. Plus there's cold air blowing at me making we both shiver.

I see Jennie again from a far just laughing at me. I swear that girl. But, later did I know I saw Taeyong walking toward Jennie and start to talk to her.


But, My sight turn into Ten. He wrapped a towel around me. Aw he is so sweet. This is another reason why I can't ignore him.

I thanked him. He smiled. I missed that smile.

"We should change before we get a cold" He said and I nod in agreement.

We should, I do not want to be sick. We both made Our way upstairs. Its very quiet, nobody is up here?

Many rooms along the hallways too. He walked into a random room. I followed him.

The room is huged. Im shocked at the size of the room. I wonder if all of the rooms are big as this.

Oh wait..

I hear the door close. Ten closed the door.

I just realise im alone in a room with a boy.

Okay, what am I gonna do. I just stood there, Im not scared of Ten am I?

Im not. But, why do I feel so embarrassed and shy?

I watch him as he walked to the charger to charge his phone. Then, he grab a bottle water from the table and took a sip. He then opens the cupboard and grab out clothes. Wait, is this his room? But, this isn't his house...

wait, Why am I just looking at him. I honestly don't know what to do.

I just walked up to the bed and sat there. Wow, its a big room alright.

Zoning out from reality. I just sat there.

Where's Ten?

I look behide me and saw him shirtless. Ok what?

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