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3rd Person POV

Hana was still annoyed at how Taeyong just left her and walked away. She keeps calling his name and he never turned back to look at her.

Instead he was walking to that girl. Jisoo. Hana rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Damn it Taeyong. If you only knew how much I like you from the start. I'm not over this. I'll make you mine. Jisoo and Jennie are on my blacklist." She mumbles to herself.

The girl has tried almost 18 years of her life trying to date Taeyong. But, let's be honest who would date a girl like Hana.

Using Ten to make Taeyong likes her won't work either.

After staring at Taeyong as he walks to Jisoo, a evil smirk of Hana's appear on her face. Hana then flips her hair off her shoulders and laugh to herself

"This plan will work" She smiles foolishly and walked out the café with a new plan to win Taeyong's heart.

Taeyong didn't cared about Hana one bit. He nervously walked towards Jisoo ignore reality and just focusing on Jisoo.

He was really gonna do it.

At first Jisoo didn't notice the Taeyong was in the same café plus walking towards her right now. She began to smell something familiar.

Taeyong's strong cologne

She immediately knows it's him by the smell and she finally looks up knowing Taeyong was already standing infront of her table with a handsome smile on his face as he stare into Jisoo's eyes.

Jisoo was in shocked she immediately stands up and bow 90 degrees to him.

"Jisoo, you don't have to bow at me. Don't make it so formal" Taeyong laughs and take a seat on the chair infront of her.

Jisoo was still in shocked she stood there frozen for a solid 1 minute before sitting back down.

Taeyong was really nervous. He wonders if it's the right choice on last time but. He is done thinking he is gonna do it.

Taeyong is gonna do something. A new step in his life. He wanted to give it in and accept reality.

"Hello Jisoo.. Im sorry for intruding your alone time" he young man said

"Your not intruding anything. Um, hello Taeyong. Why are you here?" Jisoo asked trying her best not to make things awkward.

"I was here alone and I was saw you alone too. I mean it's the best time for us to talk alone am I right?" Taeyong said making Jisoo cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"You want to talk to me?- I mean... Yea....." She bit her lip in nervousness. Her crush is sitting in front of her. After being rejected for years she feels soo weird looking at him directly into his eyes.

Taeyong notice how Jisoo looks very shy around him. They used to be good friends before she moves school. He wants that again. He hopes that everything will work out fine.

"Yea, I wanted to talk to you. I'm actually wanted to say something" He sighs. Jisoo was still 100% clueless at this situation.

"I like you" Taeyong said

Jisoo's heart just stopped.

Jisoo was about to cry but Taeyong noticed it very fast.

"Wait, don't cry please. Jisoo?" Taeyong eyes widen when he saw tears fall down from her face.

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