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"I saw Ten buying tampons" I said and Jennie choked the food she was eating.

"What the hell Lisa" She took it as a joke and now laughing like a mad lady.

"Im not lying" I whined.

"I didn't say you were lying. But, why would he buy tampons tho?" She asked trying her best not to laugh. This girl..

"I don't know, maybe for his mom?" I said and she laughs some more.

"How bout, you ask him?" Jennie giggles and I smirks. Is she trying to challenge me?


"Lisa, I was just kidding" She suddenly became serious.

"Ill ask him." I said and get up from my seat.

"Lisa! You will regret talking to him!" She said but I didn't listen to her and continue walking.

"Lisaaaa" She whines but her voice faded as I was about to exit the cafeteria.

Speaking of the devil, Ten walked in and he is now in front of me. His eyes widen. He must had remember me from yesterday.

"Lalisa!" I hear Jennie voice and her foot steps running towards me but instantly stop when Ten was in front of me.

"Ten, Can I ask you something?" I asked him. I said I was confident. Im not lying.

"Sure" He said with his blank expression face. Staring at me deeply with no emotions. Is that even possible? It feels like it.

"Why do need the tampons yesterday." I asked and he raise one of his eyebrows and cross his arms.

"I was being a good brother and bought it for my sister." He said.

"Oh, why didn't you said so. You could have it yesterday." I said and he smirks like yesterday. My heart hurts when he smirks.

"I told you, you were leaking. You need it more than me" He said with his smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"I was not. You were lying" I said and he softly chuckled.

"Are you sure? Cause, there's red stuff on your skirt now." He said and I froze again. Nooo is he lying again?

I turn to my left and saw everybody looking at me. Shit, Am I seriously leaking?

I look back to check my skirt.



he made me check out my own butt again.

I turn to face him but he was gone. Like yesterday. That lil piece of.. Of.. OF POO.

"Lisa!" Jennie calls me and grab my wrist and pulled me away from the cafeteria.



"How did you make Ten smirk? Chuckled? How the hell did you even talk to him?!" She asked as if I talked to Obama

"Chill Jennie" I tried to calm her.

"Lisa, you talked to him in front of the whole school. People are gonna Make fake shit up about you two. Rumours in this school can go wild. Your the first girl that ten talked normally to. Usually he will ignore girls or just give them death stare." Jennie said, wow. I Actually can't believe I've talk to Ten too. Wait, did I just talked to Ten?

Wow, good jod lisa. I'm proud of you.

"I told you, I saw him buying tampons." I said and she face palm.

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