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Walking past the tampons section, ahh.. memories with Ten. Why am I here again?

Its 11 at night. I want to get some candies. Im craving candies. Cause, its that time of the month.

Gummy worms. Chocolate bars. I want it all.

Hmmm, the store is pretty quiet today. Okay, where is the candy sections. There's the female shampoos.. I don't need it now.

Wait, is that Ten? What the hell? Why is Ten here at 11 at night? Does he have cravings like me too?

Fuck! He is coming this way. Hide Lisa!

I ran back to the shampoo section and opps dead end. I quickly turned back. OH GOSH WHY IS HE TURNING TO THIS SECTION?!

I turn back around and pretend to looked at shampoos.

I hear his footsteps. Why is he shopping here. Does he use girl products? Is that why he come here at night?

Good thing he doesn't know that me LISA is right behide him.

Ding ding ding ding~
"Store is closing at 11:30pm make sure customers don't leave any personal things behide"

The radio said. Shit, ive gotta leave now. Its almost 11:30.

Its okay, if I quickly run away. Ten won't notice me. I close my eyes and count





I turn and about to ran but I tripped over something. Is that his foot?!



He quickly grab me before I fall but lost his balance making him fall on to the floor, pulling me with him cause he was holding my arms.

I landed on top of him. Uh oh.

My eyes widen and I can hear his breath near my ear. Our face was just side by side. I quicker push my self up for support not be so close to him. My eyes meet his...

Oh my god. This is awkward. I froze, I didn't know what to do. Help me.

He is soo pretty. For a boy. I can understand why girls in my school likes him. My heart is beating so fast.

His eyes was sparkling, cute nose. Pearly white teeth.

"Are you okay?" He mumbles. I nod and trying to get my self back together. I push my self up and now sitting on his lap.

He pushed himself up too. And our face meet again nearer than before. Im obviously sitting on his laps. I moved back a little to give him space. Its hot in here

"Im sorry, I didn't mean too... you know" I softly said.

"Its okay, it was just and accident" He answered. Handsome piece of Ten.


The lights when out.

Oh no.

Without thinking..

I hugged him and hide my face on his chest. OH SHIT WHAT AM I DOING?!

I can't helped myself. Im scared of the dark. Im 18 I know. Don't make fun of me. (If this was real life. Ten would be the one who is scared 😂)

I finally realise what i was doing. I moved away from his warm chest. But, I felt his arms pulling me back to him.

Ten, why are making me feel this way?

UNEXPECTED | tenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now