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It's been awhile since I've went to school. Its been a long ass time.

I slowly open the car door and look around. There is alot of people out here...

I walked out the car like its perfectly normal. Good, nobody seems to care. I finally got comfortable and just walk my way in the school.

I find my way back to class. Like normal, im always early. But, not the earliest. Jungkook was there.

I smiled as soon i've made eye contact with him.

His face lit up and he immediately ran towards me and gave me an tight hug.

Of course I hugged back. I miss him. He was a good friend.

"Lisa! You're alive???" He said and shake my shoulders.

"Hello to you too Jungkook." I chuckled.

"Where have you been?" He pouts

"I was just too lazy to come to school you know." I smiled and he gave me a questionable look.

"Im not buying that.." He shakes his head.

I was about to say something until I heard aloud scream.

"LISAA!!!!" The familiar voice of Jennie Kim took over the room.

"Move aside!" She yells at Jungkook and hugged me.

"Calm down Jennie." I laughed

"Finally you came back to school. You left me all alone for about 2 months." She said and crossed her arms.

"What do you mean alone. You have the boys..." I said referring to Ten and his friends.

"Since they fought It was soo awkward to talk to them. Thank god your back." She sighed in relief.

"They fought?" I question..

Why would they fight?

"Oh yea... um.. its a long story. You will find out about it sooner or later.. it's just between Yuta and Taeyong over a stupid reason." She said with a disappointed face.

"Its weird.. Taeyong and Yuta are like best buddies. What could have happen.." I pout.

"Don't care about them. They both should man up.. especially Taeyong... I belive that it's his fault.." Jennie said.

When she said Taeyong.. it reminds me of Jisoo... the call we had last night.

Taeyong, Jennie and Jisoo..

I sighed

"What happened to Taeyong and Yuta?" Suddenly Jungkook asked. He must have heard what we were saying..

"Oh nothing...." Jennie smiled and pulled me over to my seat.



"Ten!!!" I scream and hug him from the back

"Holy Crap! Who the heck- Lisa?" He turn and saw me. A smile grew on his face.

He hugged me and of course I hugged back.

"Your back?" He asked

"Obviously?" I chuckled.

"Why didn't you told me earlier. I could have met you earlier." He said

"Well, I wanted it to be like a surprise." I say and he laughs.

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