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"Summer camp?" I asked and tilt my head alittle.

"Yea! We all go to summer camp every year. It's so fun. It's just like a vacation but there's a few rules but we always break them anyways." Jennie explained

"Vacation? But name as camp?"

"Gosh lisa... Here's an explanation
Last year we went to a lake chalet in the forest. It's so beautiful there. We literally just spent time doing sports and go swiming in the lake, Having deep talks at night, campfire, drama and lots of drama, sweet memories, ghost hunting, Sleeping at your boyfriends chalet room instead of yours and also drinking but we gotta keep it lowkey because teachers are gonna be there since it's a school thing BUT it feels like a vacation. Seriously!" Jennie said and I chuckled.

"Seems fun but I hate the sun and... sports." I said

"Don't be such a pain in the ass. You have to go. Since I'm going I don't wanna be alone." Jennie said.

I sighed.

"Ten is going." Jennie smirks. I tried to keep a straight face but I ended up smiling.

"Hah! See! Now do you wanna go?" Jennie smirks.

"Yes of course. So, where is this summer camp going to be held?" I asked

"Don't tell anybody yet alright? I sneak into the teachers office to know this info. Were going to a Beach resort. Not anytype of beach resort but a private one." Jennie said and my mouth was agape.

How rich is the school oh my god.

"Are you crazy?!" I said

"Why would I be crazy?" Jennie furrowed her eyebrowns

"I don't know you sound crazy!" I said

"I'm not crazy! You are!" Jennie said

"Crazy in love." Suddenly Ten said and came out behind me and put his arms around my shoulders.

"Holy crap. You scared me. How long were you listening to us?" Jennie said

"Just a minute ago. What are you guys talking about. Who's the crazy one?" Ten chuckled.

"You are." I said

"Hey!" He pouts

"Guys, stop flirting.. It's about the summer camp." Jennie said

"Oh yeah, summer camp is starting soon. I can't wait. Lisa you have to go. I need you there." Ten said

"Of course you need her there. You want to bring her to your room." Jennie said with a smirk.

"Jennie!" I gave her a what the hell look and she smiles sweetly.

"Don't worry Jennie. Im not like those boys." Ten said

"Whatever you say Romeo." Jennie said and walked away leaving me alone with Ten.

"So, your going right?" Ten asked.

"Yes i am." I said

"Thank god." He smiled

As we were continuing our conversation I saw Yunji walking in the opposite direction. So, I just decided to ignore her presence since she have nothing to do with Me and Ten anymore.

But, as much I wanted to ignore her. She had the most disappointed and sad look on her face. I felt bad for no reason. I hate seeing people like this. I just had to asked why.

Before she could walked pass us. I hold on to her shoulders and gave her a pity smile.

"Hey Yunji. You alright?" I asked

UNEXPECTED | tenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now