Better than nothing

1K 43 6

Hey guys, please! listen me out here.

I appreciate it so much if you guys read all of this ♡

Before I start. I want to say thank you so much for 11k reads. Ok now to the serious stuffs.


I've been really. I mean really in like extremely busy. Especially this month. I'm a student and I hate being a student.

I won't be able to update for this month. 

Honestly, I don't even know if you guys are still even interested in this story? I try my best to make it entertaining. But, I can't please everyone.

It's not the best. I change the plot alot. But, I have fun writing this story. So I really hope you guys enjoy reading it.

I seriously don't want to give up on this story!

I really want to finish this story. I have other plans for new fanfics but I rather finish this story first.

Spoilers; This story is almost coming to an end. Well not really. It depends actually... There is only two more important events happening in this fanfic before this story ends. It all depends on how I write it and how long  plot of event is gonna turns out.


All I want to say is. For those who Like and always keep up to date on my fanfic, Sorry for not updating. But really, This month I can't update at all. I promise next month I'll try to update often like very often.

But, again.. I don't think ppl are interested my story anymore huhuhu TT. Comment down your opinion.

But, im thankful I made it this far wooooooo~

Thank you for reading this. Hope you understand. <3


See ya in the next update.

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