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Jennie's POV


I turn off my phone I put in in my bag and let out a deep sigh.

I'm really concerned about Lisa. A week not being in school? Now she is telling me she is recovering?

I've been calling her everyday and she didn't even answer. She better have an explanation to this.

"Jennie? Anything wrong?" Taeyong asked and when he said that it grabbed Ten's attention who is taking a nap under the tree were at.

Funny huh? I never liked hanging out with these boys. I only did that because of Lisa and Jisoo but now here I am. Sitting under a tree with these boys having small conversation. But, Ten have been oddly quiet without Lisa.

I really miss Lisa. He really miss Lisa?

"I can't stay for long. I have to go soon." I said

"Go where?" Taeyong asked

"To Lisa's she finally answered my call. I want to check up on her." I said and gather my things.

"What? Is she okay?" Ten immediately asked

"Im not sure. She didn't told me anything detailed. But, I know something happened. It might not be so serious but hey, im her friend." I said with a smiled.

"I really hope she is fine. I hope that she forgives me" Ten whispered loud enough for me to hear.

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrowns.

"What did you do?" I asked him.

"She will probably tell you later..." He sighed and close back his eyes.

"Hmm, okay..." something seems suspicious to me.

"Just tell her that I miss her." Ten said

"We all do" Johnny correct him

I nod and stood up

"Going already?" Taeyong asked.

"Yea.. I don't wanna go there to late. Her house is pretty far." I said

"Need company?" Yuta asked and my eyes widen

"What?" I chocked my words.

"I can walk with you there. Since its far plus walking alone might be a little dangerous with all the pervets on the streets." Yuta said and stood up too with his backpack.

"What? No,  its okay.. I can handle myself. But Thank you." I said looking down

That was kind of him. But, im honestly used walking alone.

"It's true Jennie. I walk Lisa home everyday too. It's pretty dangerous around Lisa's new home. It's a closed in place." Ten said

Truth is I never went to Lisa's new house before..

Im now getting scared. I don't want another kidnapping incident again. But, i don't want to troble Yuta. Her house is far. He would walk back alone then..

"I will walk you there." Yuta said.

"Again, thanks for being so kind but. Don't underestimate me. I can handle myself Yuta. Maybe another day kay?" I Smiled trying to be brave

"Yea Yuta. She doesn't need your company by walking her home. Walking her home is not gonna get you anywhere." Taeyong said bitterly and everybody turn their heads at him.

That's abit..

"Hyung?" Ten nudged Taeyong's arms.

"Wait,I didn't mean.." Taeyong immediately realised he hurt his friend.

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