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I arrived for lunch break late. Somebody stopped me asking me bout Ten again. More than one person.

My answer is just "nope were not dating"

I finally felt free after those people blocked me. Annoying, I know.

Happiness fills me up thinking, Finally, I get to chill with my friends during lunch.

I walked into the cafeteria walking straight to the everyday table. Our table. I see Jennie laughing together with the main boys.

But, only Ten caught my eyes. His smile when he saw me. Its like. Heaven. Now Im smiling. Damn it.

Probably my smile looks very goofy.

"Ayee, Lisa is here" Jennie said, all their heads turn to me with their smiles.

"What took you so long?" Johnny asked.

"Long story, girls chase me" I laughed and sat next to Taeyong.

"Okay, we don't wanna hear it" Haechan laughed making every laugh but not Ten.

"Sorry Lisa," Ten said. I raised my eyebrows. What? Why is he sorry?

"What are you talking about?" Jennie asked Ten.

"Girls chase you because of me." He sighed and Yuta which is sitting beside smack his back.

"No, its not. Its beacause of them being too desperate. Anyways, don't be sorry Ten its not your fault." I told him and he smiled. Nice to see that smile.

"Yea Ten. Its not your fault" Taeil said and everybody nod in agreement

"Anyways, Mark tell us the big news" WinWin chirps. Big news?

"Oh yea, My family is out of town-" Mark said but Taeyong cuts him

"Let me guess, your throwing a party?" Taeyong said making everybody face lights up

"Taeyong... yes, but.. on the next following week." He said.

"That's like forever. I thought it will be like tomorrow." Haechan said. Yea, I also thought the same thing. Probably everybody cause, all of them gave Mark the "are you serious?" face.

"Well, Taeyong cut me off. I didn't get to finish what I said" Mark said. Aw cute.

"Aw, don't be mad." Jennie said.

"Im not mad. I just want all of you to come" Mark smiles. I want to go. I hope I can go.

Ten was about to say something.

Unfortunately, the bell rang.

Everybody left the table. I don't know why. But, I waited for Ten. I stood by the table and wait for him. He threw away the rubbish and saw me.

"Why are you still here?" He asked

"Im wait for you, dummy" I said and he smiles. I just love his smile. He wrapped his arms around my neck and we start walking.

What is he doing, people can see us. I sighed. Even though I hate the attention he is making. I kinda like his warmest.

"Hey, remember that day. In the dance studio?" He asked. Yes I remembered. The day that started this friendship.


"Meet me there after school. I- um need to talk to you" he said.

I nod in reply. Of course I would go. His arms were off my shoulders, he now stood right in front of me.

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