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"What? What do you mean?" I ask as my voice started cracking. My heart was beating so fast it was making me hard to breathe.

"You know exactly what I mean.. Lisa... don't make me repeat myself." He sighed and look away.

I feel a heavy weight pulling me down. Please Ten. What are even saying? Is this the Ten I know?!

"No.. don't do this to me. What happened to you. Remember last night? You said you loved me. I love you too. Don't do this to me. Tell me if I did something wrong." I said and I caught him staring at my neck. He must had saw the hickey he gave me but immediately look away.

He didn't answer me which just makes me mad now.

"Tell me.. why. Why are you doing this to me?" I said again but he still didn't answer.

"Why aren't you answering... you can't leave me hanging." I said as tears fall down my eyes.

He sighed and was about to walk away. No.. Ten what are you doing to me?!

I quickly grab his arm and hug it. Please don't leave me. What did I do wrong? Am I a bad girlfriend? Am I too annoying? Does he even love me? Or was this all a lie?!

"Lisa. Let me go.." he mumbles as if it's nothing.

"I won't, until you tell me why you are doing this!" I said sobbing right on this arm.

"Must there be an explanation? Isn't it obvious?! I don't like you." He said and push me off his arm.

I stood there frozen. My limbs were all not working as I see everything fall. Tears stop falling down from my eyes when I notice the truth and reality.

He just broke up with me.

Ten.. broke up with me.

He didn't love me?

It's so hard for me to believe after all we have been through.

"So, your saying.. these past month was just a lie and I had wasted my time on you?" I coldly said as I stare at him with no emotions.

He hesitated for a moment before saying Yes.

"I can't believe you." I muttered as I turn away. Not looking back at him.

I've never felt this hurt in my life before. The person I trust the most, the person I love the most had let me down.

Tears just fall automatically without me wanting it too. Why am I even crying?

Is he even worth crying for?


I've been walking back and forth the hospital since the past 30 minutes now. I don't know how to get back to camp now I left my phone and everything in my room.

I should at least visit Rosé. I mean, she is the one sick. I came to a hospital to visit her too. I feel bad if I don't go and see her.

I sighed and walk back to her room.

It's okay if I meet him again. I'm not going back for him. I'm going back for Rosé.

Suddenly, I heard a loud gasp which startled me.

I look up and saw Jisoo..

I knew it. I knew she was here. But, why is she here?


"Lisa.. why are you here?" She ask looking a little nervous.

"I was here... for.. um, Rosé." I said and her eyes widen.

UNEXPECTED | tenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now