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"Because, of.. you." Jennie said and bit her bottom lip.


What did I do. Why are they fighting because of me?

I sighed and stood up from my seat.

"Lead me to them" I told Jennie. She widen her eyes but, nod.

"Wait," Jungkook stopped me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Going to stop a fight? They might hurt you" He softly said. Is he worried? How cute. Im a strong girl.. just scared of the dark...

"Don't worry. Its because of me anyways" I chuckled. Jennie gave me the let's go face.

"Ill follow" Jungkook said. I didn't really care. And by that. I left my class.

Anxiety hits me when I start thinking of the fight. Why me?

Shake it of. Its probably about Ten nd Me...

... and Im right

This is getting annoying.

"I ask you to stop talking to Lisa! She is using Ten. Do you wanna be a loser?" That girl that saw me with Ten yesterday yelled at Yunji.

"Shut up bitch, you can't tell me what to do. Lisa is gonna help me to date Ten!" Yunji said. Did she expose me? Know everybody knows!.

"Liar. Nobody wants to help you to be with Ten!" The another girl shouted. These girls are stupid.

"You guys are just jealous that one day Ten will be with me. We will be kissing and cuddling and doing everything together. Stop being salty and grow up!" Yunji said. Everybody was shocked when she said that. What even? I hear Jungkook laugh. I looked at him but he was trying to keep a straight face.

"These kids dream big" Jennie whispers in my ear.

"I know right" I whisper back.

"Nooo, your just jealous that one day Ten and I will make Babies- (censored)"

OKAY THATS A LITTLE MUCH. I should be stopping this conversation before other things happen. We don't need you to describe how your first night is gonna be.

"Im so disgusted." Somebody said making everybody go quiet.

I actually know is it. The voice, how everybody became quiet.. isn't it obvious?

I thought he didn't came to school today.

He walks through the crowd. He was hiding in the crowd of people all along. He must have heard everything.

The good looking, Ten out of Ten boy is here.

The three girls was shocked and froze.

I shake my head and just remember what she said about doing the thing with Ten. Damn that is gonna be awkward for her.

"Lisa, Look its Ten" Jennie speak. Louder than i expected.

Everybody turned to look at me. Oh shit. What the hell Jennie, why you gotta say that out loud?

I looked at Jennie and he covers her mouth. I bet she also didn't realise she just said that out loud. I face palm.

Its so quiet here you can hear all of our heart beats

Ten also notice I was there. His face expression change too. He doesn't look too happy tho..

"Lisa, you were here all along?" Yunji said. I awkwardly laugh.

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