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Ten's POV


She went home right after our conversation at my house garden. Why do i feel like i just break her heart?

She doesn't likes me does she?

Please don't, Lisa don't fall in love with me. Somebody like her should likes a guy that Is not as bad as me.

Look at me..

Im a ruin, in my room. I lost hope so fast. Scared of being open. Ignore girls, what a 'gentleman' Ten. Wow

When my mother reach home just now. Mrs Park told my mom about Lisa.

The smile on my mother's face pops, its been many years since I saw my mom smiled Like that.

She was happy.

Enough of that. Im going to sleep. Tomorrow Ive got dance practices with the rest I better get some sleep.

As I was about to turn off the light and jump onto my bed.. somebody knocked on my door.

Its 11. Usually at this time people are sleeping..

"Coming" I said and open the door.

Um, Rosé?

Umm okay..

"Hi, can i come in. I don't want my mom to find out im not sleeping yet" She said softly. I just nod as she walks in my room.

This is awkward.. i haven't talk to her in forever. What does she want to talk about.

"Why are you here?" I asked. It might sound too cold.. but, after all these years.. i know she is sick. That doesn't really means she has to ignore me.

"Im sorry Ten. I heard you bring a girl home." She said tucking her hair behide her ears.

"Yea.. so?" I mumbled.

"Im happy you did" she smiles. What?

"Even if I bring millions of girls home Im still gonna end up married with you" I bitterly said. I have alot of respect for Rosé, just that since we got distant. I feel like my first best friend that I called my sister just left me. I can't think Like this. She is sick

"I told you I would do something. We won't. Honestly, I never thought you would bring any girl home, that thought worried me. Im happy you did now my plan is working" She chuckled. I raised my eyebrown.. her plan?

"What do you mean your plan. You have been sick all along" I said.

"I know. That's the only problem. I hate being this sick. If I wasn't you may already have a real first lover" She said. This doesn't feel right.

"Anyways, Im here to tell you that Im happy for you. Who is this girl?" She asked. This still doesn't feel right.

"This is weird Rosé. You haven't talk to me in 3 years. Suddenly here you are in my room. Just because I bring a girl home." I said.

"This is not weird. We are still friends right Ten? I just wanted to talk to you again. Its been awhile. I was sick and weak I really didn't have the mood to talk to anybody." She said. I still can't accept this.

"You know what? Thank you for talking to me. Im happy you did. What ever plan your having please do it fast were already 18. The news is gonna drop any day now. Im not gonna marry my bestfriend" I said.. well At least my old bestfriend. We aren't that close anymore.

"Ive got your back. I promised you anyways. Im not gonna break that promise" She said and she left my room.

Does she really?

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