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Ten's POV


"Dude. You have been hanging out with your girlfriend ever since we got here.. when are you gonna spend time with us? it's already the 3rd week." Johnny said barging in my room without even knocking.

"Um, can you knock?" I scoffed.

"Um, you could have lock it?" He rolled his eyes.

"It's hard to leave my Lisa alone. I'm just soo attached to her." I said

"I can see that.." he said

"I got the rest free for tonight so we can have male bonding time. I need you to clear your activities list tonight." He said

"I'll think about it." I smiled

"No thinking, do it." He said

"I was planing to-"

"Cancel the plan. Join us." He cut me off

"Ok fine Johnny. But, I have to talk to Lisa first. Since we plan something to do tonight." I said

"Okay good. I'm sure she allows it. Lisa isn't the clingy type." Johnny said

"But now, we have to call up Taeyong. He has been busy too." Johnny said

"Busy with what? Oh yea.. Jisoo.." I said

"Uh no... they broke up a week ago.." Johnny said and I tilt my head in confusion. Since when? Why didn't anybody told me about this?

"Umm.. what?"

"Ten, They broke up a week ago. Taeyong has been keeping it a secret but he is bad at keeping secrets." He said and I sighed.

"How is Jisoo handling this? I feel bad for her.. We all know how much she likes Taeyong." I said

"She seems fine to me. I saw her chilling with Yuta at the beach yesterday." He said

Ah yes.. the love square between 4 of them..

"So, what is he busy with? Busy crying?" I scoffed and Johnny chuckled.

"He is busy with Jennie." He said and I  raised my eyebrows

"Of course he is. It's always been Jennie for him." I muttered

"Yea, they are together now."

"How am I not surprised.."



"Lisa," I call her name as I was lying my head on her lap.

She looks down to look at me and she smiled.


"Can we cancel the plan tonight?" I said and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"But, why?" She asked

"Johnny planing this buddy gathering tonight and he is forcing me to go." I said

"I see, it's okay. Go ahead. I do mind" she smiled

"Thank you." I said

"If it's like that.. I'm sure Jennie will be free tonight. I'll go hang out with her." She said.

Oh yea.. Jennie. I pull myself up from her lap and sat beside of her.

"Speaking of Jennie. Why didn't you tell me that Jisoo and Taeyong broke up?" I asked and her eyes widen.

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