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Lisa's POV


"Lisa! I'm so disappointed in you. How could you do this to your father? I told you that he is not good news." My father said as he walks back and forth in my room.

"What do you even know about him father?" I scoffed

"I'm your father and don't question me. I know best. Listen to me." He said

"Just get out of my room." I said

"Excuse me. This isn't your room. This is my house. I pay for this house and I don't allow boys nor bad influence friends in here alright." He said

"Then just send me back to my real house. Send me back to my mom and my own real room. So you don't have to worry anymore." I shouted at him.

He stays quiet for awhile.

Suddenly I felt a sharp sting on my cheeks.

My dad just slapped me.

"You watch your mouth and tone when you talk to me." He said pointing at me.

With that he turn his heels and slam the door shut.

I couldn't even cry. I got no tears left.

What's the point of talking to him anyways. This is what I always get.

I sighed and rub the mark on my cheek.

Good thing he is weak. That slap doesn't hurt.

I decided to turn on my phone after weeks. I'm just so happy that Ten actually came to me. I'm guessing with the help of Jennie.

I smiled at that

As soon I turn on my phone I my phone notification started to go crazy

New unread messages (1008)

Miss calls (264)

I widen my eyes at that.

What the hell. That's crazy. I've been only gone for a few weeks.

I check it and it's was all from Ten, Jennie, Jisoo, Taeyong and the rest of the boys.

I read every single message. They must had been soo worried about me. I can't belive I made them worry like that. I'm so sorry guys.


Ten's POV

"That! Was! Close!" Jennie said as soon she start the car and speed off.

"How the hell did he catch us." I sighed

"Well.. its actually kinda my fault." Jennie innocently said.

I look at her and shake my head.

"Hey! Atleast I helped you alright. I didn't know that man was in the kitchen the whole time me and Lisa's step mom was talking." Jennie scoffed

"Wait... step Mom? That's her step mom?"

"Yea... she is young I know and she told me that, She is trying to be in good terms with Lisa. She hates how the father treats Lisa so she is trying her best to make Lisa feel happier at home. That's why she let us in. AND she knows that you are her boyfriend all along." Jennie explain

"I'm glad she atleast cares about Lisa. By the way. Jennie I owe you alot. Thank you even though you kinda messed up at the end. I'm just happy that I get to talk to Lisa." I smiled

"Aw look at you being all Love struck. Okay get the creepy smile out of your face your starting to scare me." Jennie said and I chuckled.

As usual. Jennie's attitude.

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