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???'s POV

"Hello, this is the boss speaking.." He said through the phone

Boss? Why is he calling around this time?

"Boss?? Any important business?" I reply.

"Yes, it's very important."He said

"Okay, spill."

"I trust you. I want you to have my daughter." He said

I smiled at what he said. His daughter? If I remember I saw his daughter before and she is hot.

"Have your daughter? Count me in. How much though?"

"I knew you would ask that. If you can deal with her and get her married with you, It will cost more." The boss said

Marry her? I smirked. I would like to marry her. I'll make good looking babies with her. Damn Boss I can't belive you trust me so much.

"Hmm, I like the sound of that. I don't mind getting married with her. I'm sure the rest will be jealous of me for having your daughter." I laughed.

Everybody knows about Boss's daughter. In sure as hell lucky to get this job. I'll make full use outta this job that boss wants me to do.

"The rest can be jealous for all i care.. I know your very good with the ladies. That's why I pick you."

Damn right

"You know me well boss. Tell me about her more." I asked

"Her name is Lisa. She only turned 18 this year and she is kinda gonna be difficult with new boys. I belive she is already in love with a boy but I want you to take her away from that boy." He said

She IS gonna be a little difficult. I can sense it. But I can't use my looks to make her heart cry. I bet that boy she likes isn't that good looking.

"Ooh, I like making other man jealous. It's okay boss, im good at taking it slow. She will love be by the end of this year." I said

"Good to hear that. But, remember atleast marry her and then if you want to divorce her later it's up to you. I only want her to not love that boy." he said.

Seems like an easy job to me.

"Alright Boss. Anything for you. But remember you gotta pay me first." I said.

I'll be rich by next year. I smiled and hang up the phone.

This will be an easy job. Plus I might get a little advantage with a girl like her.

I can't wait to meet her.

"Hey babe, who was on the phone?" My girlfriend Yunji ask when she walked in my room.

"Ah, my Boss. He got an important job for me. Maybe I'll get enough money and buy a diamond ring?" I smirk when I saw her face expression after I say that.

Ohh girls are so easy. Just fake words that came out my mouth they belive.

"Maybe, if you buy me a diamond ring. I'll give you something in exchange." She smiles while she walks closer to me.

"How about now?" I raised my eyebrowns.

She didn't said anybody but already got her hands on my body.

See, girls are way to easy.

This job is gonna be fun with easy with Boss's daughter.


Yes, it's that Yunji. The Yunji we know ever since the start of this fanfic.

Very short chapter but. Yea. Drama is coming.

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