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Before I start. Sorry for not updating for 2 weeks.



That's when I push myself up and ran away. I seriously ran out the room not looking back. I left Ten.  Im embarrassed at what just happen. Lisa is dead.

I saw Yuta again. Tapping away on his phone. I ran up to him and he looked shocked.

"Um, hi again.. um.. do you know where Jennie is?"  I awkwardly said  he is one of the three people that saw me and Ten.

Im over reacting CHILL LISA.

"She is probably in the her room with Jisoo and the place you were supposed to sleep in" He laughs and I immediately ran away again.

I don't like this.. i know that im over reacting but this bothers me. Im shy with these types of situation. Ive never been caught with a boy before.

"Hey, be careful." Somebody stopped me. I look up and realised i was running without looking. I almost ran into Hansol one of Ten's close friend.

"Im so sorry. Im just-"

"Its okay, but are you okay? You look very red." He asked

"Yea im fine. Do you know where Jennie's room is?" I asked

"You don't know where is it? Didn't you slept there last nigh- you know what? Nevermind. Her room is at the end of the hall. Basically the last room" He said. Ah good thing i didn't have to explain who i was with last night.

"Thank you so much. See you around"  I said with a smile and walk.

How is Jennie's reaction gonna be like?

A) You hoe, you didn't told me you were sleeping with him last night. Tell me details bout it.

B) Im so disappointed in you. How could you?

C) ay, I know you guys didn't do anything stupid. I was just kidding just now. So what actually happen?

Ive got a feeling its none of this.

Oh well,



I open the door which supposed to my my room. Take a deep breath..

First view we have... Jisoo? Still sleeping and then i spotted doing Jennie makeup. I casually walked in and jump on the cleanest bed. Which i think it was supposed to be mine.

With that..

"Your back?" I hear her said.

"How's your night?" She said and i can already sense the smirk from that voice.

Suddenly, i felt a weight right on top of me. Oh Jennie..

She hugged me tight and make funny kissing sounds.

"Do I cuddle better than Ten?" She laughs and just stick onto me like glue.

"Jennie, its not funny" I sighed

"Oh shut up, just accepted the fact im better than him" She said. I know she is making fun of me.

"Jennieeeeeeeee, let me explain" I whined and she didn't move.

"There's no need to explain" She said and finally gets up from the bed.

"I know you guys did nothing. I belive you and im positively sure. But, don't tell me tho. Make it you guys little secret." She wink and jump the bed and starts to jump on Jisoo's bed.

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