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I pulled my luggage to the gathering hall. Ten was on my right and Jennie was on my left.

"Can I get everybody's attention?" One of our teachers said through the microphone.

There was alot of people here. Some of them are even people that are not from my school.

I looked around and kept seeing new faces.

"Lisa, are you listening? We can't share a room.." Jennie pout.

"Huh? What happened?" I asked.

"Are you deaf? Did you not hear what he said?" Jennie asked and I shake my head.

I hear Ten chuckling next to me.

"Lisa... he said.. this year's camp is combined with another school. Apparently teachers wants us to make new friends. They already divided us and pick out our roommates." Jennie sighed.

Damn it.. I was excited to have girly time with Jennie for a month. I mean, I don't mind having a new friend.

"It's okay Jennie. It's just sleeping." Ten said making Jennie roll her eyes.

"Please... you wouldn't understand." Jennie said.

Suddenly Taeyong jogged over to us.

"Hey Taeyong." I greeted him.

"Hey Lisa. He smiled

"Why do you look so happy?" Ten asked

"I went to see who is my roommate. Apparently, im sharing a room with 4 people including me and one of them is Yuta." Taeyong said.

"What the hell? lucky.." Ten mutters.

"You and Yuta fine with each other now?" Jennie suddenly asked. I look at her and she look concern.

"Yea, we are cool since 2 weeks ago." Taeyong said but he didn't even look at Jennie.

"Catch with you guys later. Gotta find Jisoo." Taeyong said.

"Jisoo? Is she here?" I asked.

"Wait you guys don't know?" Taeyong look at us in confusion.

"Know what?" Ten furrowed his eyebrows.

"Jisoo's school is the school that we're having summer camp with." Taeyong explains.

"What really? What a coincidence." I said.

"Right? But, I have to go now. Don't wanna keep my girl waiting." Taeyong smiled again avoiding eye contact with Jennie. I notice Jennie looked disappointed.

"Let's go find out who is our roommate.." I said

"You both go a head. I need to use the restroom." Jennie said.

I look at Ten and he gave me a pity smile. I guess he noticed the awkward  tension between Jennie and Taeyong too.

"It's okay Lisa. let's go." Ten said amd I smiled.


"Yup, I'm sharing  room with nobody I know." Ten said.

"Aww, it's okay. I bet it's the same for me." I said still searching for my name.

"He is cute." I hear somebody whispers next to me.

I turn to look who it was. It was two girls, Pretty, tall, model-like girls we're smirking and giggling over my man.

I rolled my eyes at them but they didn't seem to noticed. They don't even look like students. They are obviously visitors.

"His piercing are so hot. Omo omo, Is he our age?" The two girls whispers loud enough for me to hear.

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