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"Omg shut up. As if Im gonna fall in love with those fools. Only a fool like you would fall in love with one of them" Jennie scoffed as she pick an outfit to wear tonight. I told her about Taeyong having a crush and her.

Before I even met her we all knew she actually hates everybody in Ten's group. All of us notice, even Ten told me that Taeyong actually likes Jennie. But, it looks like Jennie is taking it as a bullshit. Saying that fools only fall of them.. wait.. is she saying im a fool? Because.. Ten..

"Hey, Im not a fool" I pout

"Opps sorry, I forget you liked Ten" She smirks. Cheeky lil girl

"Your love life is soo sad. Its like every cliché story. Ew" She chuckled. I actually am over the fact that Ten and his friend Rosé are dating. Me and Ten are normal friends now. And.. Im happy that we are.

Friends are good too you know.

"Jennie, you know how much I hate cliché things. Anyways, can't we stop talking about my relationship. Its been a week im over it" I sighed and she just ignore me. She knows what im about to say..

"Soo, you and Taeyong"

"No. Never. Im not interested in those type of boys. Its cute for him to have crush. But, no thanks" she said. Wow, she sounds like a female version of Ten. I won't blame her. I know she is not hiding anything. She just really not interested in any of the boys.

I already force her to be friends with them. If I force her to date one of them. Might as well call me dead.

My week with Ten is just very nice. I won't complain. Its not as touchy as last time. We are abit more distant but still in good terms. Im happy. Im happy that I finally accept reality.

"What are you gonna wear today?" Jennie asked me.

"The normal. Shirt and pants" I said.
She gave me a look. What? Isn't that normal. People wear pants and shirt in a daily basis.

"I mean like designer shirt and pants" I rolled my eyes and she smiled. She throw some outfit on the bed pointing to it.

"You." She point at me

"Try this on" She said



We ended up spending all our time gossiping and just singing and dancing to songs. We almosy forget that we had a party tonight. Im now at her house just rolling on her bed. Im actually really lazy to go to this party.

"Can we not go to the party." Jennie said. Everybody can read my mind. I swear.

"We could tell Mark. We fall down the stairs and hurt our knees or some shit" I said. I have no spirit for a party. We both don't

"We should" She zoned out.

Snap out of it Lisa

"Well, its too late to back out now" I said and get up from her bed.

"What? Our plan is perfect" she sighed. It was but, we can't back out now. Anyways, im only excited for the sleep over.

"Okay fine" She said and finally our spirit is here again.

The normal girly things. Dress up. Throw on millions of dresses and outfits but not picking the right one. Putting on different shades of eyeshadow to make some type of ombre look. Dark lipstick.

You know how this goes.

This happens all the time when getting ready for parties.

Enough with the boring stuffs.

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