Chapter 6: "Will You Tell Me Now?" - Nikki Bella ♥

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The Next Morning.....

Nikki's POV:

Today was another boring day. Brie was hanging with Bryan and John was busy. Again. Seth was probably still upset. I didn't want to disturb him so I decided to kill a couple of hours in the gym. I needed a good workout anyways. 

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10 Minutes Later.....

I arrived at the gym and started warming up before going over to the weights and then, heading to the treadmill. I plugged my earphones in my phone, listening to my music as I ran. 

I saw someone get on the treadmill next to me and saw Cesaro. 

"Hi." I said.

"Hey Nikki. How are you doing?" he asked. 

"I'm doing good." I said, taking my earphones out. "How about you?"

"I'm doing okay." he said. I liked talking to Cesaro. He was really sweet and you can have a decent conversation with him. He was one of my really good friends. 

"Congrats on being the longest reigning Raw Women's Champion by the way." he said. 

"Thank you. I still can't believe I broke AJ's reign." I said. 

"It's definitely something to be very proud of." he said. "If I were to become the longest reigning champion, I'd be screaming it to everyone."

We both laughed. I could imagine him doing that. 

"So, do you have any title matches coming up?" I asked. 

"Well, Kurt has been talking about teaming me and Sheamus up and putting us in a tag team title match." he said. (I know this happened way after Nikki was champion. For the story, Nikki and Brie, John, Seth, Roman and Dean are drafted to Raw and Bryan is the commissioner with Kurt as the general manager).

"That should be interesting. Sheamus is hated whilst you are loved." I said. 

"I know. Maybe Sheamus will actually get popular." Cesaro laughed. 

"I heard that." a certain Irish person said.

We turned around and saw Sheamus with a frown on his face. 

"Cesaro, man, we're supposed to be teammates and you're busy bad-mouthing me?? How rude!!" he said, pretending to be hurt. 

We all laughed as Sheamus joined us. 

"I can be popular. I just choose to be hated." he said. 

"Sure." me and Cesaro said.

"Anyways Nikki, are you planning anything now that you're longest reigning?" Sheamus asked.

"I don't know. I could issue an open challenge. It depends what Bryan and Kurt have in store for me." I said.

"At least you don't have to team up with this guy." Sheamus said, pointing to Cesaro.

"Hey, I will let you know that you could never find a better partner than me. If you got teamed up with someone else, they would leave your ass ten seconds later." Cesaro argued. 

"Hey, I had the League of Nations." he argued.

"And how long did you guys last?" Cesaro asked. 

Sheamus looked down, not knowing what to say. 

"Exactly. Trust me, you're better off being partnered with me."

"I'd rather partner with Seth. At least he and I get along." Sheamus said. 

"Speaking of Seth, do you guys have any idea why he was so upset yesterday? I haven't seen him all day today either." I asked.


"I want to tell her." Sheamus said. 

"Shut up and let me tell her." Cesaro said. 

"No, I'll tell her. You're boring to listen to, baldy." 

"You can't say anything to me. Look at yourself. You ghost." 

"You did not just say that."

"I did. Now shut up." 

"Fine." Sheamus said. 

"Will you tell me now?" I asked. 


"Lalalala." Sheamus said. 

"Dude, why don't you brogue kick your ass and shut up."

"What?? I'm just minding my own business." he said. 

"Urrrr, tell her then, you stubborn baby." Cesaro said, sighing.

"Gladly." he said. "We heard Seth's girlfriend broke up with him."

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A/N: Poor Seth. His girlfriend dumped him. How could you let a good man like Seth go?? That means he's available. Nikki, go and get him.

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