Chapter 4: 'Seth Thinks I'm Beautiful??' - Nikki Bella ♥

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Nikki's POV:

Brie and I had a little day out and then we decided to head to the gym. I changed into my gym clothes and we both left. When we arrived, we noticed that we were the only ones there. I was kinda glad. I was a little self conscious. I didn't like other people watching me work out. 

"Seth's interview should be starting now." I said. 

"It's live right? Put it on your phone. I wanna hear it." Brie said. 

I pulled my phone out and put it on and me and Brie got on the treadmills just as it started. 

(Seth) (Buck) Interview

"Hi and welcome to America Now with Buck Sexton. Here with me I have the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins."

"Thanks for having me here."

"So Seth, you have had a mind blowing career so far. From debuting at Survivor Series in The Shield in 2012, to winning the tag team titles with your former team member Roman Reigns. Then leaving the Shield and becoming Mr Money in the Bank. And then cashing in at Wrestlemania and winning the championship. You have achieved a lot in the last four years. Do you have any plans for the future?"

"That's a good question. I have achieved a lot and I am honestly really proud of it. Winning the tag team titles was a dream come true. It was the first title I ever won in a WWE ring. And to share it with my former brother too. I really felt privileged. After the Shield broke up, I won the Money in the Bank briefcase and it felt like I was on cloud nine. Cashing in at Wrestlemania was the highlight of my career though. As for the future, I'm the World Heavyweight Champion. I don't really know what to do. I guess I could challenge someone. But I really wanna make history. I want to do something that nobody has done before."

"So, have you decided what you would like to do?"

"Well, I've been thinking and I noticed that nobody has held both the World Heavyweight Championship and the United States Championship at the same time."

"And the current US title holder is John Cena for anyone out there who doesn't know. Are you thinking about maybe challenging him for a title match?"

"Maybe. I do have some...unfinished business with him and what better way than by taking away what he claims he loves."

For some reason, I felt like Seth was talking about me but I knew that wouldn't be possible. 

"Now it's almost time to wrap things up here, but Seth. I do have one last question for you. All of the fans want to know, and you aren't allowed to pick your girlfriend, who's the prettiest lady up close in person?"

I wondered who Seth would pick. Brie?? Natalya?? Sasha is quite beautiful too. Or maybe Becky??

"Ohhh, I wonder who he'll pick." Brie said, sounding excited.

I shook my head, smiling as I turned my attention back to the interview. 

"Nikki Bella. I think she's quite...quite beautiful."  (By the way, Seth was actually asked that question and he said Nikki was the most beautiful. You can hear for yourself if you watch the video attachment in chapter 1)

I stopped. Did Seth just tell the whole world that he thinks I'm the most beautiful woman up close?

"Oh my god!! Nikki!! He said you're the most beautiful. That is adorable." Brie squealed. 

I could feel my cheeks heat up. Was I blushing?? I couldn't blush at Seth's comment. I have a boyfriend. But the thought of Seth saying that kept bringing my blush back. Not even John had ever said that before in front of the whole world. John never talks about me when he has interviews.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

A Few Hours Later.....

I was sitting in my hotel room, thinking about what Seth said. Seth thinks I'm beautiful?? Out of all the women he must know, he picked me. He could have been stubborn and said he wanted to pick Leighla but he picked me. I just couldn't get over it. Ever since I heard him say that, I haven't been able to not smile. I actually felt my face starting to hurt from all the smiling but I couldn't stop. 

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I got up and opened the door to see John. What was he doing here? 

"Hi Nikki. I really wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I didn't realize how rude I was being." he said.

"You really hurt me yesterday. I tried having a decent conversation with you and you blatantly ignored me." I said.

"Just let me make it up to you. Let me take you out for ice cream tonight and I promise, all my attention will be on you." he said.

"I really don't know John." I sighed.

"Please. All I need is one chance." he said.

I bit my lip, wondering what to do. I guess I could give him one more chance.

"Fine, I'll give you one more chance." I said.

"Thanks, you won't regret it." he said. "I'll see you tonight."

I closed the door, an even bigger smile on my face. I finally fixed things with John. Everything was falling into place again. 

Another knock on the door was heard so I opened it and saw Seth. 

"Hey Bella." he said, giving me a hug.


We both sat in my room, talking. 

"I....I heard what you said about your interview." I said. 


"Did you...really mean it?" 

"What do you mean? Of course I meant it. You are beautiful." he said.

"But, why didn't you say Leighla? I know he said apart from her but you still could have picked her." I said. "I'm not beautiful. You could have picked Brie or Paige or Sasha. Why me?"

"Because you are the most beautiful woman I know. And I wasn't allowed to pick Leighla." he said.

"But what if you were allowed to pick her?" I asked. 

"Then I would probably be having a mini debate in my head on who to pick. Leighla or Nikki?? I probably would have said Likki." he laughed. 

"Likki?? Oh my god." I said, bringing my palm to my face. 

"Seriously though, you are beautiful. Don't ever put yourself down." he said.

"Thank you Seth. It really means a lot."

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

A/N: Awwwww, Seth thinks Nikki is beautiful. Is this adorable or what??

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