Chapter 9: 'It Didn't Feel Bad, It Felt Nice.' - Seth Rollins ♥

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2 Weeks Later.....

Nikki's POV:

I've been spending two whole weeks with Seth. He's still heartbroken but he's slowly getting better. I'm doing everything I can to bring the old Seth back. Dean and Roman have been helping me too.

I was currently in Seth's room. He was telling me about what he would do for Leighla every year on her birthday. He ended up crying, his head on my lap, eventually falling asleep.

I wiped the tears that were still on his cheeks and kissed his forehead, stroking his hair. I could understand why Seth was still hurting. If he and Leighla were only going out for a couple of months, the pain might not have been so bad but they were together for three years. That's a pretty long time. You could fall hard for a person in that period of time. I knew it would still take Seth a while to get over Leighla. 

That video of Seth shouting at John has been trending all over the internet. People keep posting stuff about me and Seth, saying we should be a couple. They even gave us a ship name. Neth Bellins. I thought it was quite cute. I hated disappointing the fans though because me and Seth would never go out. 

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1 Hour Later.....

Seth woke up and got up from my lap, rubbing his eyes. 

"Sorry Bella, I fell asleep on you, literally." he said, smiling slightly. 

"It's okay Ninja. I know you're still hurting. It's normal. How about we both go out? It'll help get your mind off things." I suggested. 

"Okay, let me get ready." 

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1 Hour Later......

Seth and I decided to get a coffee from Starbucks first. I paid for both coffees and we both went to sit down. We were putting sugar in and I started stirring my coffee. I looked at Seth, who had his head rested on his hand, staring at the wall whilst using his other hand to stir his coffee. 

"Seth??" I said. 

No reply.

"Seth??!!" I said, making him jump and look at me. 

"Oh, um, sorry Nikki." he said as he fumbled with the little stirring stick.

"Do you want to leave?" I asked. 

"I don't wanna ruin our day out."

"It's alright. We can go somewhere else."

I got up and grabbed hold of Seth's hand as we took our coffees and left the store. We went to a little pet store and saw all the little animals. They were adorable. The main reason I brought Seth here was because he has a dog named Kevin who he really loves. He's a huge animal lover. I saw Seth smiling as he looked and even held some of the little animals.

"Nikki, look how cute this little guy is." Seth smiled, bringing a cute Yorkie over. 

"He's almost as cute as you." I said, making him blush. "I hope you're feeling better."

"I really am. Thank you so much Nikki." he said. 

"You're my best friend. There isn't one thing I wouldn't do for you."

"So if I did ask you to bang me, you would??" 

"Maybe not that." I smiled as we both laughed. 

We played with the little animals for a little while longer until we decided to leave. 

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In The Evening.....

I really wanted to have dinner with John but I just haven't seen him since we went out for ice cream and that was two weeks ago. Since John wasn't available and Brie was having dinner with Bryan, Seth said I could have dinner with him, Roman and Dean.

We went to a cute little restaurant and were seated. Me and Seth on one side. Dean and Roman on the other. 

"You are looking so much better Seth." Roman said. 

"Well, thanks to Nikki." Seth said. 

"It was nothing Seth. Like I said, you're my best friend. I would do anything for you."

"You know, I ship you guys." Roman said.

"What the hell does ship mean??" Dean asked as we all laughed. 

"How do you not know what ship means?" Seth laughed. 

"What?? I don't know what all the teenagers say with their slang words." he said. 

"What if I say people ship you and Renee?" I said. 

"They want us to go on a ship?? No, wait, they want to ship us somewhere. Wait, that's weird." Dean said confused.

"Ship means wanting two people to be a couple." Roman said. 

"Oooooooohhhhh. Now that makes a lot more sense. I see how people would ship me and Renee. We are the cutest WWE couple. Just saying." Dean bragged. "And yes, I ship you guys."

"Thanks, but I really don't think that will ever happen." I said. I looked at Seth, who was looking down. 

"Ummmm, yeah. It's.....not happening.....anytime soon." he said. "I gotta go to the bathroom real quick."

Seth's POV:

I got up from our table and ran to the bathroom. I felt weird. When Roman said he ships Nikki and I, I got a weird feeling in my stomach. It didn't feel bad, it felt nice. I could feel my heart gradually beating faster. I didn't know what was wrong with me.

When Nikki said we wouldn't be together, I felt a hint of sadness. I don't know why. I do care about Nikki a lot but I wouldn't like her like that. Plus, she already has a boyfriend who she loves very much. 

I just got out of a relationship too which is probably why my feelings are a bit all over the place. They're probably just feelings to replace my sad ones. I'm sure they will go very soon. 

I cannot and will not ever gain feelings for Nikki Bella.

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A/N: Seth is denying having any feelings for Nikki. Do you guys think he's lying to himself for not?? Who is your favourite WWE couple??

Don't forget to vote and comment.

It Feels....So Right | Neth Bellins | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now