Chapter 46: "Then......Then I Felt Something Hit My Head." - Seth Rollins ♥

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The next day.....

Seth's POV:

Two days left. I honestly can't wait for Summerslam. I can't wait to get my hands on John. I noticed yesterday that Nikki looked a little tense. I asked her what was wrong but she said it was nothing. I could tell something was bothering her though.

"Nikki, are you sure everything is okay??" I asked her.

"Everything's fine Seth. You don't have to worry." 

"Okay but you look a little stressed. I'll go and get you something to drink. It'll help you clear your mind."

"Okay." I kissed her before leaving the room.

Nikki's POV:

I watched Seth leave. I was worried about him. I was scared John would do something to him. I didn't want him getting hurt because of me. Whilst I was so lost in my thoughts, the door burst open and in walked Roman and Dean.

"Hey Nikki." they said.


"Where's Seth??" Dean asked.

"He went to get a few drinks. He'll be back in a few minutes."

"So, you guys made up again." Roman smirked as they both sat down next to me.

"Yeah. There's no way we'll have another misunderstanding. I'm going to make sure of it."

"I knew you guys would end up together. It was so obvious." Dean said.


"Yeah, you guys are so alike. You know each other more than anyone else. You never really had arguments. Everyone knows how well you guys get along." Roman explained.

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10 minutes later.....

"Dean, put me down." I laughed as he kept spinning around with me on his shoulder.

"No way, you said you and Seth are the cutest couple. It's obviously me and Renee."

"No, it's me and Galina." Roman said.

"I don't care what you say. It's me and Seth." I said. "Where is he anyways?? He should have been back ages ago."

"Maybe you should call him."

I pulled my phone out and tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail.

"He's not picking up." I said a little worried. What if something has happened to him??

"Let's go and look for him." Roman said.

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Roman, Dean and I were walking down the corridor, looking for Seth but we couldn't find him. I felt my foot on something and looked down to see a broken phone. Not just any phone. Seth's phone.

"Guys, it's his phone." I said, picking it up.

"He must be around here somewhere." Dean said.

We kept on walking until we made it to a little corner at the very end of the corridor. I gasped when I saw who was there. It was Seth. He was passed out in the corner, a bruise on his cheek and a little bit of blood trickling down the side of his face.

"Seth??!!!" I called out.

We all rushed over to him and I tried my best to wake him up but he wouldn't.

"Seth, wake up please." I cried as I rubbed the side of his face.

"Who could have done this??" Roman asked.

I had one person in my mind. It was obviously him. It was John.

"I'm so sorry Seth." I whispered.

"Let's get him back." Dean said.

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Dean, Roman and I got back to our room with Seth in Roman's arms. Roman put him on the bed and I went straight to the bathroom to get a wet towel. I went back over to the bed and started to softly wipe away the blood from Seth's face.

"Why would someone do this??" Roman asked.

"Because John doesn't like Seth and I together." 

"Wait??!!! It was John?? John Cena??!!!" Dean exclaimed.

"It must have been. I got a text from him yesterday telling me that he found out I told Seth everything and he said that Seth's life was in danger. This is all my fault." I said, taking a hold of his hand.

"No, don't blame yourself." Roman said.

I heard shuffling on the bed and Roman, Dean and I turned out attention to Seth who was starting to wake up. He held onto his head before opening his eyes.

"God......what happened??" he asked, rubbing his head. "Why am I bleeding??"

"Calm down Seth. Just be careful." I said, squeezing his hand which made him squeeze my hand back.

"So, do you remember what happened??" Dean asked.

Seth started thinking before replying. "I was walking down the corridor to go to the elevator and get some drinks. Then......then I felt something hit my head. It really hurt and my vision started to get blurry. I couldn't see exactly who hit me. I felt them punch my face and then I was picked up and thrown on the wall. And that's all I remember."

I felt tears grow in my eyes. Seth got hurt because of me. He's suffering because of me.

"Nikki, what's wrong?? Why are you crying??" Seth asked.

He went to grab my other hand but I pulled both my hands away and got up from the bed, making my way to the other room.

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A/N: JOHN!!! HOW DARE YOU HURT MY SETHIE??!! Why is Nikki so upset??

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