Chapter 42: "I Don't Want Him To Hate Me." - Nikki Bella ♥

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10 minutes later.....

Seth's POV:

I made it to the gym where I met Roman and Dean. 

"Glad to see you finally made it. I was starting to think you bailed on us." Roman said. 

"Well, I'm here."

"So, are you going to talk to Nikki??" Dean asked.

"I really don't want to talk about her right now." I muttered, looking down. "Can we just get this over with so I get can back to my room and be depressed??"

Dean and Roman looked at me with pained expressions as I went over to the punching bag. As I was working out, the image of John and Nikki making out kept constantly popping into my mind. All I could feel was a fire. I felt rage. I wanted to smash everything in sight. 

"Seth, calm down. You don't want to hurt your hand again." Roman said, holding me back.

I was pulled out of my thoughts and looked at Roman confused. 

"Uhhh.....what?? My hand is getting better anyways."

He pointed at something and I looked to see Dean lifting the punching bag and putting it back on the hook.

"Ohhhh.....I didn't mean that. I'm gonna go. I'm not in the right mindset." I said, walking away from them without looking back.

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The next evening.....

Nikki's POV:

"Nikki, go and talk to him now." Brie demanded.

"I'll talk to him later. I promise."

"No, you have to fix this. Dean texted me yesterday. He said Seth literally punched a punching bag off the hook."


"Yeah, they said he's really hurting."

I took a deep breath. I was nervous about talking to him. I was scared he wouldn't believe me and would end up hating me. 

"Brie I will but you gotta stop pressuring me. I'll do it."

"No." she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the door. "You are not allowed in here until you talk to him. Knowing you, you would leave it for another few weeks before even approaching him and even then, you'd run off."


"Nikki, go now. I know you miss him. You both need each other and you belong together but that won't happen if you keep running away from him. Go and get your man back."

Before I could protest, she closed the door. I tried to open it but realized I left my key inside. 

"Brie, I have my stuff in there." I yelled through the door.

"You'll get your stuff when you talk to him." she yelled back.

I didn't know if I was ready to talk to him. I knew I wouldn't be able to talk to him today. It was almost 11 o'clock at night and Brie literally kicked me out of our room. Where was I going to go?? 

I couldn't go to Bryan's room. It would be weird staying in the same room as my brother-in-law. Then there are the girls. But I don't really got along that great with them. The only girls I get along with are Naomi, Sasha, Becky, Bayley and Natalya. I knew they were all staying with their respective partners so I couldn't intrude on them. I could definitely rule out John. Dean was rooming with Renee from what I heard and I didn't know who Roman was rooming with. Then there was Seth but I couldn't face him. I had nowhere to go. Maybe I could check into another room.

I rushed down to the lobby and over to the front desk.

"Hi Ma'am. How can I help you??"

"Do you have any available rooms??"  

She checked her computer before looking up at me. "I'm really sorry. There are no rooms available."

"Really?? Not one?" I asked, kinda disappointed.

"I'm sorry. All of them are booked."

"Okay, thank you anyway." I said, walking away from the desk and sitting on the little couch in the lobby.

Where was I gonna stay?? Brie wasn't going to let me back in unless I talk to Seth but I'm scared. I'm scared of his reaction. Will he believe me or not?? I checked my phone and it read '11:12'. What was I going to do??

"Nikki??" I heard. 

I looked up and saw the large Samoan also known as Roman Reigns.

"Hey Rome." I said as he sat down next to me.

"Why are you here?? I thought you'd be in your room??" he asked.

"Well, Brie kicked me out because she wants me to talk to Seth and she won't let me in until I do. I want to talk to him but I'm scared that he won't believe me."

"You really should talk to him though. He's really missing you."

"I'm just nervous Roman. I don't want him to hate me."

"Honey, he won't hate you. He really loves you."

"I don't want to face him yet."

"You need a room, don't you??"


"I can get you a room. Follow me."

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Roman and I got in the elevator and went to the correct floor. When we got to the room, Roman pulled out the key card.

"You can stay in here. My room mate won't mind. I told them I was rooming with someone else." he smirked. Why was he smirking?? Is he up to something?? 

He opened the door and let me in. "I'm gonna go. I'll see you tomorrow Nikki."

"Okay, goodnight."

"Goodnight." he said still smirking. Why is he smirking??

He closed the door and I sighed as I sat down on the couch. I heard the shower running so I was sure Roman's room mate was showering. I was wondering what I would say to Seth when I did have the guts to approach him. Would he even listen to me??

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I no longer heard the shower. I waited a few minutes and then, the bathroom door opened. 

"Hi, just wanted to let you know Roman said I could st-"

I paused when I saw who it was. I could feel my heart skip a million beats. He looked as shocked as me.


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A/N: *Gasp* Seth was Roman's roommate?? Will Seth let Nikki stay or not??

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