Chapter 17: 'I'm Scared Of Love' - Nikki Bella ♥

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The next day.....

Nikki's POV:

Only four days left. I only have four days left before I can leave this hell I once called my home. I now had nothing to look forward to getting back to. I wanted to look forward to seeing Seth again but I felt that I didn't deserve to be with him. I feel like I can't trust him. I've known him ever since he debuted at Survivor Series. He couldn't find his way around the building so he asked me to help him. We really clicked that day and soon enough, we were inseparable. 

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2012 Survivor Series

"Where is catering?? Gosh, this place is huge." I heard which made me chuckle. 

I turned around and saw the one and only Seth Rollins trying to find his way around the building. He was pretty cute. If I wasn't crushing on John, I'd be crushing on him. He saw me looking and walked towards me. 

"Ummm, hi. I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. Do you know where catering is?? I'm looking for Dean and Roman. They told me to go there but I have no idea where it is. It's only my first night."

I chuckled. "It's okay. You didn't disturb me. I'll show you where catering is."

I started walking and he followed me. "I'm Nikki Bella by the way."

"I'm Seth Rollins. It's nice talking to someone who isn't Roman or Dean. It gets a little annoying spending all my time with them. But I don't really know anyone else."

"I'm glad we're able to talk. I saw what you did out there. Ryback won't be walking around for a while after that triple power bomb."

"I know. If felt so good to finally do that here. I still can't believe I finally made it. I have been dreaming of joining the WWE since I was a little boy. I used to wrestle my little blow up dummies and pretend to pin them." Seth said, making me laugh.

"That's cute. I'm glad your dream has come true. When you first arrive, it feels like a dream. Sometimes, I feel like I'm sleeping and this is all just a really, really long dream."

"I'm scared I'm going to wake up. I'm hoping me talking to a beautiful Nikki Bella isn't a dream." he said smirking.

"Are you flirting with me??" I asked. 

"I might be."

We both arrived at catering where I spotted Roman and Dean.

"Here we are." 

"Aww, already??? I liked talking to you." he pouted, making me smile. 

"Well, maybe we can meet up later. I'd love to get to know you better."

"It's a date." he said as I began to walk away. 

"We are never going to date." I yelled over my shoulder. 

"Or so you say." he yelled back, making us both smile.

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I feel bad for not trusting Seth but John has made me realize that maybe all men are the same. Maybe he's using me. Maybe he wants to hurt me. Maybe, he's been planning and plotting against me. 

I felt like I had nobody. John was right. 

"Nobody loves you!! You don't deserve to be loved!!"

My cheeks were wet with tears I didn't even know were falling. I had everything and everyone. Now I have nothing. I have no-one. Not even Seth. Not even Brie. I guess I deserve it though. Brie warned me about John but I didn't listen. I wish I could go back through time and listen to her. 

I wished I could make everything right. I wanted to feel loved, to feel like I had somebody, but I don't. My body was aching from the beating John gave me this morning. The beating had gotten so much worse. He smashed a glass vase on my arm, making blood pour out. I tried my best to clean up my wound and take out any bits of glass. My arm felt numb. I felt like everyone had some sort of hatred towards me. 

I knew I wouldn't be able to compete in the ring for a while. My bruises were getting much worse. I knew my wound from the vase would leave a scar. The bruises from the whip left blue and purple lines everywhere. I had bruises on my face from all the punches. 

I wanted to be loved. But the only thing is.......I'm scared of love.

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A/N: What a beautiful memory!! Will Nikki ever be with Seth??

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