Chapter 12: "Nikki, Are You Hiding Something From Me?" - Seth Rollins ♥

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The next morning.....

Nikki's POV:

I woke up and felt my back aching. Sleeping on a torn up mattress wasn't the best. I felt tears fill my eyes when I remembered last night. I really hoped it was a bad dream but unfortunately, it wasn't.

I got off the mattress and looked through my suitcase for some clothes. I snuck upstairs and noticed Paige and John weren't awake so I ran to the bathroom to freshen up. When I was done, I snuck back down to the basement and changed my clothes. 

I didn't really have much to do. This wasn't the week I exactly had planned. After an hour, I heard John.

"Nikki!!! Get up here now!!!" 

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I sighed as I got up and went upstairs to see John and Paige in robes. It took everything in me not to release any tears.

"Yes John." I said.

"Not John. It's sir."

"What?? I-"

Then he punched me in the face, making me fall to the floor. John punched me!! I was stuck in a now abusive relationship. 

"Make us breakfast." he said. "If you don't, well, you know what I'll do to you and your loved ones."

John walked off and Paige smirked before leaving with him. I couldn't stop my tears from falling from my face. I couldn't believe I was now John's personal slave. My face was still stinging from that punch. That would definitely leave a bruise.

I got up, wiping my tears and made breakfast. John and Paige took the food from me, leaving me with nothing.

"Umm, Jo- I mean, sir, I don't have anything to eat." 

"Too bad." he said. 


"You're not getting any of my food that was paid for with my money and you're not allowed to step out of the house so you may as well starve."

"Wh-" But by then, he was gone. What was I going to eat?? How would I live without eating??

I remembered I packed a few snacks in my bag luckily. 

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I rushed down to the basement with my stomach growling like a pack of wolves. 

I opened my bag and looked at what I had. 5 packets of crisps, 3 oranges, a few sandwiches, two bottles of milkshakes, three bottles of water and a few candy bars. 

I decided to have a sandwich with some water. I only had three sandwiches so I only ate half of my first sandwich and had some water. I needed the food to last me a week. 

My phone vibrated so I picked it up and saw I got a message from Seth. I was so tempted to tell Seth everything but I just couldn't. 

Hey Nikki, how's you're day going? - Ninja🙃

I had to pretend that everything was going great. I couldn't tell him the truth. Luckily, we were texting so he wouldn't be able to identify if I was lying or not.

My day is going great. How about your's? - Me

It's boring. I'm missing my bestie. When are you coming back? - Ninja🙃

I smiled. I felt like Seth was the only one who cared about me. 

I've only been gone for a day. You're going to have to wait another six. - Me

Awwwww, that's too long. I bet you're not missing me.😔 You're probably busy having fun with John. 😏- Ninja🙃

I cringed, reading that text. Not the part where he missed me. The part where he said I was having fun with John. It was Paige who was having fun. 

Don't say I'm not missing you. Of course I miss my bestie. - Me

I'm glad. What are you doing now? I hope I didn't interrupt anything. For all I know, you and John could have been making out - Ninja🙃

I wanted to throw up. The thought of me and John making out now just made me sick. 

We weren't making out. I'm glad you texted me. I was getting bored. I was just sitting around. 🤗- Me

I really did miss Seth. I just wanted to be with him. As long as I'm with Seth, I know I'm safe. I know I'm happy. I was happy just texting him. 

I'm sitting with Dean and Roman. We were just hanging out until Dean said he wanted to play video games. Roman said he wanted to play GTA and Dean said he wanted to play 2K17. I just got tired of listening to them argue, I went to my separate bedroom. They're still arguing now. 🙄 - Ninja🙃

I chuckled. Roman and Dean always argued when it came to video games. 

They're crazy. 😂 Hey, can I tell you something? - Me

What did I just do? I can't tell Seth what is going on. John will hurt him. I'm so stupid. 

You can tell me anything. What's up? - Ninja🙃

Never mind - Me

Nikki, are you hiding something from me? - Ninja🙃

No, I needed your opinion on something but I don't need it now. - Me

On what? - Ninja🙃

I had to think of something quickly before replying to Seth.

Of my clothes. - Me

I probably can't help you with that. - Ninja🙃

I know. You are terrible when it comes to women's clothing. - Me

Am not!! I'm offended 😮😊 - Ninja🙃

You are terrible at it though - Me

Maybe I am - Ninja🙃

"Nikki!!!!! Get your ass over here now!!!!" I heard John yell. 

I need to go Seth. I'll text you later. - Me

Okay, bye. - Ninja🙃

Bye. - Me. 

I locked my phone and hid it under the mattress before going upstairs to see what John wanted. 

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A/N: Is Seth suspicious?? What the fuck do you want John?? I really wanna beat his ass up.

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