Chapter 49: 'It's Now Or Never.' - Nikki Bella♥

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WWE Summerslam

Seth's locker room

Nikki's POV:

"Mmmm, Seth." I moaned as he left wet, sloppy kisses down my neck.

We were meant to be getting Seth ready for his match which was only a few hours away but he seemed to have other plans. He found my sweet spot, making me moan even louder as I gripped onto his shirt.

He pulled away and stared into my eyes. "You're beautiful Nikki. I love you so so much. Never forget that." he said before connecting our lips.

He bit on my bottom lip, making me moan and quickly slipping his tongue inside. Our tongues fought for dominance but once again, Seth won. His hands roamed down to my waist, pulling me even closer to him. My arms snaked their way to the back of his neck, pulling him into a deeper kiss. I felt like my body was on fire. Before things could get even more intense, the door burst open.

"Hey Seth, I need some advi-" Dean stopped when he saw me and Seth.

"Are you kidding me Dean??" Seth asked, clearly annoyed.

"I swear I didn't do that on purpose. I just needed some advice."

"Okay, I'll let you off this time. What kind of advice did you need??" he said.

"Well, Roman and I have our match against Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper. I know we've wrestled them so many times before but I'm scared they're gonna pull another trick and mess the match up for us. I need to prepare for it but I don't know how."

"Just stay alert. It's what I did when we wrestled them in the Shield. When you're not tagged in, keep a close eye on whoever isn't in the ring. If you don't stay focused, they'll strike before you can do anything."

"Kay, thanks Seth." he said. "I wouldn't really come for advice but it's the Wyatts we're talking about."

"They're creepy dudes." I said.

"Yeah they are." Seth said. "Where's Roman?? Is he freaking out??"

"Actually, he isn't. He seems really calm."

"He's obviously ready." I said.

"He is but I don't know why I'm freaking out." Dean said, making me chuckle. "What's so funny??"

"I've never seen you like this before. You're usually the one making your opponents freak out."

"Yeah, this is all new to me."

"Let's go and see how Roman's doing." Seth said as we all left the locker room.

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We all arrived at the men's locker room. I couldn't really go inside so I told Seth I would go to Brie. I went to the women's locker room and saw Brie.

"Hi Brie."

"Hi. I thought you was with Seth??"

"I was until Dean came and then they went to the men's locker room to see Roman so I thought I'd come here."

"Awwww, you guys are too cute. I could see you both together for the rest of your lives."

"I'm not gonna lie. If Seth was to propose to me today, I would for sure say yes. I don't even care if we haven't technically dated. I could see myself with him for the rest of my life."

"You should say yes. I know he's the one for you. I know I'm probably saying this because I'm a huge Neth Bellins shipper but I know what you have is true love."

I couldn't stop the huge smile forming on my face. Just thinking about Seth made my day. He was my sunshine. He's the only reason why I'm alive. He makes my life worth living.

"Nikki??" Brie, said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry Brie."

"You were totally thinking about Seth." she smirked.

"Maybe." I said as I felt a blush rise to my cheeks.

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One hour later.....

Seth and I were in his locker room, watching Roman and Dean's match against Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper. Dean took Seth's advice and made sure to keep an eye on Bray Wyatt who was standing on the turnbuckle as Roman and Luke were in the ring.

Everything was going really well and got even better when Dean and Roman picked up the win.

"Yes, I knew they could do it." Seth said. He looked really happy. I knew how much he loved his brothers and he showed it every time.

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Two hours later.....

It was time for the main event. It was time for Seth's match. John had jut gone out to the ring whilst Seth and I were still at the gorilla with Dean and Roman.

"You got this Seth. Beat his ass for me." I said.

"I will."

"You should've let me help you Seth. I could have helped pull his eyes out of his sockets or something." Dean said casually.

"Again, I would love that but I really don't want you in jail." Seth said.

Dean huffed but then smiled. "You kick his ass for me and Roman and Nikki."

"Yeah, you better." Roman said.

"I will. You know that they say, payback's a bitch." Seth said.

His theme played and I quickly looked around to make sure no-one was around and quickly pecked Seth's lips before he went down the ramp.

It's now or never.

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A/N: Seth and Nikki getting it on. 😉 The next chapter is the match and Seth's surprise. What will it be??

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