Chapter 43: "The Truth Is That I Can't Get Over Her." - Seth Rollins ♥

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Nikki's POV:

"W-what are you doing here??" he asked.

I couldn't help but stare. Why did I have to see him just after he comes out of the shower? He had his clothes on but his hair was still wet with little droplets of water dripping off. It was something I could never look at with John's hair as it was so short.


"Oh, um, sorry."

"What are you doing here??"

"I....urrrr.....Roman let me.....stay here." 


"Brie kicked me out. She wanted me to do something but I didn't have.....the guts to do it."

"Well then....I'm going to sleep. You can take that bed." he said, pointing at a bed at the other end of the room.

He made his way to his bed and plugged in a hairdryer, drying his hair. I went over to my bed and sat down. I couldn't really change. I didn't have any of my stuff with me. When Seth finished drying his hair, he put the hairdryer away and got into his bed. I got into mine and he switched off the light. 

I felt lonely. The bed was so cold. I wanted Seth next to me. I wanted to feel his warmth. I wanted him to make me feel safe. But I couldn't always get what I wanted.

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3 hours later.....

It was around 2 o'clock in the morning and I still wasn't asleep. I couldn't sleep. All I kept thinking about was Seth. I decided to get up and make myself a cup of tea. When I finished making my tea, I went over to the balcony, opening the door and stepping out. 

I felt the fresh air hit my skin as I closed the door slightly so it wouldn't lock me out. I sat down on one of the chairs and just looked up at the sky. The moon looking beautiful as always along with the twinkling stars. Everything was always so beautiful at night. 

As I was drinking my tea, I heard the balcony door open again so I turned around and saw Seth.

"Why aren't you in bed??" he asked.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Why are you out here though??"

"It's beautiful out here. I just came to clear my mind."

"I want to tell you something." he said, looking down.


"I don't like Charlotte."

"Huh??" I was shocked. I wasn't expecting that.

"I don't like Charlotte."

"No, I heard you the first time. If you don't like her, why were you making out with her??"

"Because.....because I...."

"Just tell me. If you like her, I...I won't get mad." I managed to get out of me. I acted like I didn't care but deep down, my insides were being ripped apart. "Listen, I know I messed up big time. Whatever happened was my fault and I'm so sorry for hurting you. I know I messed my chance to be with you and you probably don't care about me anymore but if you love Charlotte, I'll be totally supportive of-"

I was interrupted by a pair of lips smashing onto mine. I was shocked and I couldn't help but kiss back. Even though it had literally been about a day of not being together, I still missed him. I missed us. 

Seth pulled away and I couldn't help but stare at him. He didn't say anything. I saw him about to reach for my hand. 

Please hold my hand. Please hold my hand.

Just as his fingers were about to touch mine, he stopped. He pulled his hand back and sighed before walking back inside. I felt hot tears grow as he got further and further away. 

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The next morning.....

I felt physically drained as I got up the next morning. I had only slept for about half an hour and now I was totally regretting it. I could feel my eyes close every few minutes but I forced them open. I went over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face, hoping it would wake me up. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. For some reason, hot water only makes me more tired.

I decided to make myself a coffee instead. I still felt tired as hell. I sat down on the sofa and decided to watch some TV instead to keep me awake. Soon enough, I found myself surrounded by darkness. 

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2 hours later.....

I woke up to feel my head on something soft. I felt really warm and toasty. I didn't really want to get up. I rubbed my eyes and found myself lying on Seth. He was asleep with me, both of us on the bed, my head leaning on his chest. No wonder I felt so warm and safe. Did he pick me up and lay me on the bed?? Maybe he does still care about me. That would explain why he kissed me yesterday. But maybe he just did it because he wanted to know if he still had feelings for me. That would explain why he walked away afterwards.

I heard a phone ding so I looked around until I saw Seth's phone flash. I picked it up and lay back down on Seth's chest. I looked at the phone screen and saw a text from Dean. I swiped the phone and put in the password. I knew it because Seth told me what it was. It was my birthday. When the phone unlocked, I went onto messages and read Dean's text.

"You need to listen to her side of the story."

I scrolled all the way to the top of the chat and read through it. Turns out it was from this morning. Probably when I was asleep. I knew I shouldn't go through Seth's phone but I was curious. Were they talking about me??

"Seth, you need to talk to Nikki."

"I know and I will. I just need some time."

"How much time?? You're both depressed without each other. Just talk things out and fix everything."

"It's not that easy Dean. What she did to me really hurt me and I don't know if I'm ready yet."

"So?? You did the same thing by hurting her when you made out with Charlotte."

"I only did that to get my mind off Nikki but it didn't work. I didn't feel what I felt with Nikki."

I felt my eyes widen. So Seth really didn't like Charlotte?? Does he still love me??

"Well, that was kinda stupid."

"I know it was stupid. I shouldn't have done that but I couldn't think of any other way to get over her. The truth is that I can't get over her."

I smiled. That meant Seth still loved me. I still had time to fix everything.

"Well, you better talk to her soon."

"I just hope she'll tell me the truth. I don't want her lying to me."

"She won't lie Seth. She loves you. Give her a chance."

"Okay, but I don't want to hear some different version of the story from someone else."

"You need to listen to her side of the story."

I put Seth's phone back where I found it and looked up at him. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him sleep. Seth still loved me and I was going to fix everything between us. I missed us. I kissed his cheek before laying my head back on his chest and falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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A/N: Awww, Seth and Nikki asleep together. It looks like Seth still has feelings for Nikki too.

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