Chapter 35: "So I Enjoyed It. It's Not A Crime." - Nikki Bella ♥

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The next day.....

Nikki's POV:

I felt a lot more safer today. Seth told the hospital staff not to allow John in my room. Seth hasn't left my room after what happened.

"Seth, you can leave the room if you want to." I said.

"I just wanna keep you safe. I don't want John somehow sneaking in and hurting you in any kind of way." he said.

"I love that you care but I'll be okay. You told them to not allow John in. I'm sure they'll make sure he doesn't sneak in."


"Seth, I know you want to move about a bit. You're getting fidgety." I said. "Just go outside and get some air. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure??"

"Yeah, now go." I smiled.

"Okay." he got up and kissed me before leaving. 

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A few minutes later.....

I was washing my hands after using the bathroom. I heard the door to my room open.

"Nikki, are you here??" I heard Seth ask.

"I'm just in the bathroom." I said. 

After a few seconds, I felt arms around me and a head on my shoulder. 

"Why did you come in here?? I could have been using the toilet." I said. 

"Well, I heard running water so I assumed you were done taking care of your business." he said, making me laugh.

"You are a strange man Rollins."

"That is true."

I felt him starting to leave soft kisses down my neck. I bit my lip to stop the moans from escaping my mouth.

"Let it...out Nikki. Don't....hold" he said between kisses.

I was quick to obey him as soft moans escaped my lips. I felt my butterflies turn into over sized moths. My heart rate was increasing and I was becoming breathless by the minute.

I was turned around to face Seth and I backed up until my back hit the wall. All I could do was stare into his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. He came closer to me and started kissing my neck again, making me unable to contain my moans.

"Mmmmm, Seth.....stop.....we're gonna.....mmm....get caught."

"Who...cares??" he mumbled, still kissing my neck until he found my sweet spot, making me moan even more than before.

I heard the door to my room open. Great, someone was here.

"Ummm, ma'am, are you in here??" It was a nurse.

"Seth....stop." I whispered shouted even though I didn't really want him to stop.

He was too busy sucking on my sweet spot and wouldn't stop. 

"Y-yeah, I'" I said, trying to hold my moans in.

"You sound out of breath ma'am. Is everything okay??" I heard.

"Yeah. I-I.....just have a...mmm...a stomach ache. You know, using....the toilet and having....mmm....a stomach ache....kinda makes you tired." I managed to get out.

"Do you need anything for that stomach ache??"

"N-no, I'll be....fine. Thank you."

I heard the door close which meant that the nurse left. Seth finally pulled away. I punched his arm.

"Hey!! What was that for??" he asked, rubbing his arm. 

"I told you to stop. I bet that nurse was suspicious." I said.

"Who cares?? You were enjoying it." he said smirking.

"W-what?? No I wasn't." I said. 

"Yeah you were. You would've pushed me off if you weren't."

"So I enjoyed it. It's not a crime." I said, walking out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, just wait until we get even more intense. You'll be moaning and screaming my name." he laughed.

"Oh my god, shut up you creep." I said.

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One hour later.....

Seth had left to get some food for us and Brie had arrived to see me.

"Hey Nikki." she said. "How have you been holding up??"

"Okay I guess. I can't wait to get out of here though."

"How many days are left??"

"I'd say around 4 to 5 days."

"Right, and I see you've been quite busy." she said, smirking.

"W-what do you mean??" I asked, confused.

"I mean, there's proof that you've been very busy." she said, still smirking.

"I don't understand."

"Go and look in the mirror."

I got up from bed and went over to the mirror. I still didn't know what Brie was talking about until I saw a huge hickey on my neck.

"Oh my god." I said.

"So, you were getting it on with Seth??" Brie smirked.

"He started it, not me." I said. "Oh my god, this is gonna be so hard to cover up."

The door opened and Seth walked in with a bag of food. He saw me and smirked.

"Looks like I marked what's mine."

"Seth, now is not the time. Do you know how hard this will be to cover up??"

"I gotta say Seth, you know your stuff." Brie smirked.

"Don't encourage him Brie." I said, grabbing my makeup bag and trying to cover up the hickey.

"You loved it. You told me yourself." Seth said. 

"Yeah, that doesn't mean I love huge ass hickeys on me." I said.

"I'll just not kiss you ever again." Seth said, making me look at him.

"Ooooooohhhh." Brie said.

"Really??" I pouted. 

"I will not-" he looked at me still pouting. "I am not going to-" he looked at me again. I was still pouting.

"Okay, okay. You win." he sighed. 

"Yay!!" I said as I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"You guys are relationship goals." Brie said. 

"We're still not a couple yet." Seth said. 

"Come on. You're still not?? You guys probably fucked each other and you're still not together??"

"First of all, we didn't fuck. Second of all, I'm still stuck with John." I said. 

"Urrr, John is seriously pissing me off." Brie groaned, making Seth and I laugh.

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A/N: Awww, Neth Bellins had a moment. Isn't Brie funny??

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