Chapter 5: "I'm Not Hurting, Okay!!" - Seth Rollins ♥

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A Few Hours Later.....

Nikki's POV:

I just got back from an amazing date with John. It turned out he actually lived up to his promise and spent time with me. We both had ice cream and talked. I was really glad everything was back to normal. 

"Hi Brie!!" I said as I went into our hotel room.

"Hi, how was the date?" she asked. 

"It was great. John and I had so much fun together." I squealed. 

"Oh." she said, sounding a little disappointed.

"What's wrong??" I asked.

"I don't know if it's me or if it's a 'twin thing' or something but I really feel like there's something up with John. I'm not saying he's doing anything wrong but I feel like something's not right." she said.

"Brie, why do you always have to say something is wrong with him? Have I ever said anything bad about Bryan? No, I love Bryan like I love JJ. Why can't you just accept him?" I asked, a little frustrated.

"I'm sorry Nikki, but I'm just going along with my instincts. I just wanna make sure you're safe." she said. 

"You don't have to worry about me because I'll be very happy. With John." I said. 

"Okay." Brie sighed.

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The Next Day.....

Nikki's POV:

I got up the next morning feeling super refreshed. I wanted to spend the day with John so I called him but he said that he was quite busy. I got out of bed and got ready for the day. I thought that maybe I could spend the day with Seth instead. 

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I left my hotel room to go down to the cafeteria and grab a quick breakfast. When I got there, I saw the back of Seth's head. I smiled as I went towards him. I patted his shoulder and he turned around. A look of shock appeared on my face when I saw him. 

He had red eyes and looked like he barely slept. His face was blank, like all his emotions had been drained out of him. 

"Seth, what happened??" I asked, caressing his cheek. 

"Nothing. Shall we e-eat breakfast together??" he asked, putting on a fake smile. 

"Are you sure you're okay Seth??" I asked.

"I'm fine Nikki. T-there's nothing to worry about." he said.

We both went to a little booth and sat down to eat. I knew there was obviously something wrong. Seth was always so hyperactive and jumpy and childish. Today, he seemed upset, really down. 

"Seth, you know you can tell me anything, right?" I said. 

"I know I can. It's really nothing. You d-don't have to worry about m-me." he said, looking down. 

"Seth, you're my best friend and I can't see my best friend hurting." I said.

"I'm not hurting, okay!! Just....just leave me alone!!" he exclaimed, getting up and walking away.

I was shocked. That was the first time Seth ever snapped at me. It was the first time we ever found ourselves not in a happy situation. I wasn't upset with his behavior because I knew something was going on which must have really hurt him. Maybe he just needs a little space.

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A Few Hours Later.....

I found myself sitting in the lobby, not really knowing what to do. I was planning to hang with Seth but he obviously isn't feeling too good so I had nobody to talk to. That was until Bryan sat next to me.

"Hey Nikki." he said.

"Hi, my favorite brother-in-law" I said.

"I'm your only brother-in-law." he said. 

"That's why you're my favorite." I said as we both laughed. 

"So, what are you doing here by yourself??" he asked.

"I dunno. Just thinking. I was planning to hang with John but he's busy so I thought, why not Seth but he seemed really upset about something so I thought I should give him some space." I said.

"I did see him today. He looked terrible. I was going to go and talk to him but before I could, I saw him rush to the elevator from the cafeteria in tears."

"He...he was crying??" I asked. I felt really bad. I felt hurt that Seth was so upset. 

"Yeah he-" Bryan's phone started ringing so he picked it up. After a few minutes, he hung up. 

"I'm really sorry Nikki but I gotta go." he said.

"It's fine. Bye." 


Bryan left as once again, I was alone. 

"Hey Bella." I heard. I looked up and saw Dean Ambrose.

"Hey Lunatic." I smiled as he sat next to me.

"So, you're just randomly sitting in the lobby by yourself?? Is it fun?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm having the time of my life." I said sarcastically. 

We both laughed. 

"Hey, since you're very close to Seth, do you by any chance know why he's really upset?" I asked.

"Roman and I noticed how upset he is. We tried asking him but he snapped and left in tears. I hate seeing my brother hurt. We may not be the Shield anymore but we're still brothers outside the ring and when one of us are hurting, it hurts all of us." Dean said. "I thought maybe you would know. You are his best girl friend. We thought he would probably tell you."

"I asked him at breakfast. He was down and kept saying he was fine, but all of a sudden, he snapped and left. I wasn't hurt. He's obviously upset about something so I wanted to give him a little space."

I was worried about Seth. He didn't really share his feelings much and I didn't want him doing something to himself as a result to all his pent up emotions. I was really worried about my little ninja. 

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A/N: Uh oh. What's gotten Seth so upset?? Poor guy.

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