Chapter 34: "H-He Came." - Nikki Bella ♥

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Later on that same day.....

Nikki's POV:

Seth was still with me but left the room a few minutes ago when he got a phone call. I was laying down on the bed, staring at the ceiling and waiting for Seth to get back. I heard the door open. 

"Finally Set-"

Instead of Seth, I saw Brie.

"Brie??? Oh my god. I wasn't expecting you."

"How could I not come??? I had to see my sister." she said as she came inside. "So, how have you been??"

"I'm gonna be honest. I feel amazing."

"I see you got Seth back." she smiled.

"Yeah. He's the best."

"You know he's constantly going on about you at work??"

"Really??" I asked, not being able to stop the smile forming on my face.

"Yeah, yesterday, he kept going on about how sweet and funny and beautiful you are." she said. "He's really in love with you."

"I really love him too. I don't know what I would do without him."

"Are you two dating??" she smirked, making me blush.

"No. Unfortunately, I'm still dating John." I sighed.

"What?? I thought you would have broken up with him by now??"

"I tried to but he said I had to stay in our relationship so I don't ruin his reputation and so people don't get suspicious."

"I really want to punch his face in." 

"You think I don't??"

"He should be sent to jail. He abused you Nikki. He shouldn't be roaming around here. He definitely shouldn't be walking around with that US title. He's not the right person to represent it."

"I know but I know Seth will take that title from him. I have complete faith in him."

"Sorry for keeping you waiting Ni-" Seth stopped when he saw Brie. "Oh, hey Brie."

"Hi Seth. I hope you've been looking after my sister."

"Of course I have."

"Good. I just remembered. I talked to Bryan about your promo and he said you can have it before or after your match. You can't have two though."

"Can you tell him that I'll do the promo after my match??" 

"Yeah, I'll tell him."

"What, are you gonna rub it in John's face that you took his title??" I asked.

"Something like that." he smirked.

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A few hours later.....

I had just gone to the bathroom and was about to come out when I saw someone in my room. I knew it was Seth.

"Seth, I-"

I froze. I didn't know how to react. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I felt my heart stop momentarily.

"W-what are you doing here??"

"What??? I can't pay my girlfriend a visit??" John asked, walking towards me.

"How d-did you know I was here??" I asked, starting to back up. 

"How would I not?? I just followed your little Seth. So tell me Nikki, did you tell him??"

I could feel my breathing getting faster and heavier. I was terrified John would do something to me.

"I haven't told him anything."

"Oh really?? So he's saying all of that crap to me in the ring but he doesn't know??"

"I-I'm telling you. You told me not to tell anyone so I didn't."

I could literally feel his body pressed against mine. I couldn't back away any further. My back hit the wall. I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't want to look at him.

"You better not have told anyone. I don't give empty threats. I make them happen and if you think you can outsmart me, you're mistaken. If I find out Seth or anyone knows, at Summerslam, I will destroy him. I will destroy Seth so bad, he won't be able to walk. Hell, who knows, he might not be able to breathe. I'm telling you right now. If you say anything, you'll never see your precious Seth again." 

He glared at me before leaving the room, leaving me in tears. I felt my legs become jelly as I slid down the wall, crying. Why did I get myself into this mess?? What did I do to deserve it?? Maybe I was being delusional. Maybe I am destined for pain and sadness. 

I looked around the room for something sharp. I found a little piece of glass behind the hospital bed. I picked it up and looked at it. It was something I had to do. I had to end it. I put the piece of glass on my left wrist and as I was about to press it into my skin, the door opened and Seth came inside.

"Nikki, sorry I took long. I-" his face dropped when he saw me. "Nikki, what are you doing??!!"

He rushed over to me and took the piece of glass out of my hand, throwing it out of the window.

"What were doing doing Nikki?? Do you know how much you would have hurt yourself??"

I couldn't help but let out loud sobs. Seth pulled me into a hug as I cried.

"What's the matter Bella?? What happened??"

"H-he came." 

"Who came, Nikki??"

"J-John." I whispered. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I wasn't there Nikki. Did he hurt you??"

"No, he said he'll h-hurt you if you find out." I said in between sobs.

"He won't Nikki. John won't be able to do anything to me. Don't listen to him, okay??"

I nodded as I cuddled into Seth. I knew I was safe in his arms. There was no way John would be able to hurt me if Seth was around. 

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A/N: You know what?? Shut the fuck up John. I wanna punch you. Luckily Seth came just in time, saving Nikki's life once again.

Just to be clear, I don't have anything against John. This is all fake. I'm sure John treats Nikki like a queen in real life.

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