Chapter 44: 'I Just Wanted Her To Be Mine Again.' - Seth Rollins ♥

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A/N: We're getting close to the end of this book. 7 chapters to go.

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A few hours later.....

Seth's POV:

I woke up and saw Nikki and I still in the same position that I left us in. Today was Wednesday which meant there was only four days left until Summerslam. I was still deciding whether I should compete in my match or not. I looked at Nikki, who was still fast asleep.

That kiss last night kept me thinking. It made me wonder whether Nikki still wanted to be with me. She kissed me back so I took it as a good sign. Maybe I should listen to her part of the story. Maybe I just turned up at the plot of the story and not at the beginning. The truth was that I still love Nikki and I missed us. I just wanted her to be mine again.

I got up and checked the time. 3:45pm. We literally slept for the entire day. I went to the bathroom and showered and changed my clothes. When I came out, I saw Nikki starting to wake up.

"Um, what time is it??" she asked.

"Around 4 o'clock." I replied.

She nodded and looked down. I didn't really know what to say. It was kind of an awkward atmosphere. After a few minutes of silence, I heard Nikki sigh. 

"Listen Seth. I really need to explain what happened that day with John."

"Okay, I'm listening." I said, heading towards the bed and sitting don next to her.

Nikki's POV:

I was glad Seth was willing to listen. I started explaining everything as the memories of the dreadful day came flowing into my mind.

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Two days ago.....

I was walking to John's locker room, worried over what he wanted with me. Did he want to hit me again?? I could feel a lump form in my throat with every step I took. When I made it to his room, I knocked on the door and waited for John to open it. He opened the door and let me in.

"Sit on the couch." he demanded. I only listened to what he said because I didn't want to get hit.

"W-why did you call me here??"

"Just wait and see Nicole. Wait and see."

I sat in silence as John was on his phone. I could hear the faint sound of Seth's music blasting through the arena so I knew he won his match. We were still sitting in silence for a few more minutes until I heard the faint voices of Seth, Dean and Roman. 

John got up and looked out of his door. Then he came back and looked at me. 

"Kiss me." he said.

"What?? Why??"

"Kiss me now or you know what I can do to you. I will crumble your ribs into powder." he threatened. 

I nodded and I placed my lips on his. I wanted to gag. I never felt so disgusted with kissing a guy before. And could I just say that Seth was a much better kisser than he was. After what seemed like forever, John finally pulled away. I wanted to rinse my mouth and scrape my mouth clean of John's germs.

"Why??" was all I could say. 

"Do you think I'm stupid Nicole?? You thought that I didn't know about you and Seth?? I knew from day one, okay. Even before we started dating, I saw the way you looked at him. I saw the look you gave each other. I wasn't jealous though because I never loved you. I know you and Seth have been getting closer. And it just so happened that Seth just walked past this locker room with the door opened whilst we were making out. Maybe he saw us, maybe he won't."

"How could you??" I said before he slapped me, making my tears spill.

"I knew you were having an affair with him. Like I care. If he's heartbroken, he won't wanna take part in this match. He might but he'll be way off his game and that's when I can make history. I guess the winner of this game is me. Now, get out of my face."

He punched me before leaving his locker room. I sat on the floor in tears. I had just realized that I made another terrible mistake.

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Seth's POV:

I was shocked. I was just speechless. I didn't know what to think. I looked at Nikki who had tears streaming down her cheeks. I did the first thing that came into mind and pulled her into a kiss. I now knew that she had nothing to do with it and it was stupid of me not to believe her. We pulled away and I leant my forehead on hers. 

"I'm so sorry I didn't believe you Bella."

"No, don't apologize. I shouldn't have listened to John. I don't know what I was thinking."

"No, please don't blame this on you. I should have listened to you. I've known you for four years and I acted like you would be this horrible cheater. I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry."

"Seth please don't. Let's just say we were both at fault. I'll never do that to you again."

"I promise I'll always listen to you from now on."

We both smiled as Nikki cupped my face, pulling me into a kiss.

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A/N: John!!! I wanna kill you. But more importantly, NETH BELLINS IS BACK YET AGAIN!!

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