Chapter 25: "I'll Never Be Able To Forgive Myself." - Seth Rollins ♥

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A/N: I wanted to thank you guys for 1K reads. I love you all.

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Seth's POV:

"Mmmmmm, Seth." Nikki mumbled against my lips. 

I pulled her closer to me as we both fell onto the bed. My hands roamed her body as we slowly began to strip our clothes off. 

I left little kisses all over her face before kissing down her neck and all the way down to her chest. I made my way back to her face.

"I love you Nikki."

"I love you too Seth." she said before I reconnected our lips.

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"Ahhh!!" I yelled as I shot up from my bed. I panted as I wiped the sweat from my face. That was the third time I dreamt of Nikki and I almost having sex. I didn't want to dream about it but they wouldn't stop.

"Dude, you okay??" I heard Roman say sleepily as he lifted his head. 

"Yeah....I'm....I'm fine."

"You had the dream again??" he asked. 

"Yeah." I said, looking down.

"Maybe you should forgive her??"

"How can I?? She said she doesn't trust me, Roman. We've been best friends for four years and she still doesn't trust me. She was my world, she still is. I thought our friendship meant something to her but it didn't." I said with tears in my eyes. "I thought we.....we had something special but we didn't."

I picked up my phone to check the time. It was 2am. 

"I'm gonna go and get some air. I'll be back later." I said, getting up and grabbing my jacket.

"Okay, don't stay out too late." Roman said before going back to sleep.

I grabbed my room key and left my room.

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I left the hotel to go for a little walk. I had to forget Nikki somehow but I just couldn't. All I could think about was her. Her smile, her laugh, her cuddles, her kisses she always left on my cheek. I missed them all and I wanted Nikki back but the way she hurt me, I just couldn't. She seems to be very happy with John and I can't destroy the one thing that makes her happy, even if it kills me on the inside.

I was walking past an alleyway when I saw something lying on the ground. At first, I just thought it would be a pile of trash until it moved, which confused me. I walked closer to it but I still couldn't see what it was as it was so dark. I pulled my phone out and put the flashlight on. I pointed it at the object and realized it wasn't an was a person.....and that person was Nikki!!

"Nikki??!!" I crouched down and held her in my arms. 

She looked terrible. Blood was dripping from her head and her clothes were torn. She had a bruise on her cheek and she was barely breathing. I felt panic over take me. 

"Nikki?? Nikki, wake up." she wouldn't open her eyes and was mumbling something I couldn't understand. 

I had to take her to the hospital. Luckily, there was one only a couple streets away so there was no need to call an ambulance. I picked her up and rushed to the hospital as fast as I could.

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At the hospital

I ran through the doors and to the front desk. 

"Excuse me. Can you please help me?? I found my friend unconscious in an alleyway. She won't wake up." I said, trying not too panicky.

"This looks serious. Let me get a doctor." the woman said. 

She ran off and a few seconds later, some doctors came with a stretcher. 

"Please lay her on here. We'll go and check her out and let you know what happens."

I nodded and lay Nikki down before kissing her forehead. They wheeled her away and I went to sit just outside the room. I called Roman, Dean and Brie, telling them what happened. They all said they would get to the hospital as soon as they could. 

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10 minutes later.....

There was no update on Nikki yet and Roman, Dean and Brie had just arrived.

"What happened Seth??" Brie asked.

"I was walking when I saw something in an alley. When I went to check it out, I saw it was Nikki. She had blood on her face and her...her clothes were torn up and......and she was barely breathing." I said, tears streaming down my face. 

"Oh god." Dean and Roman said. 

"I'm....I'm scared. What if something happens to her?? What will happen to me?? I.....I love her. I'll never be able to forgive myself. Why didn't I find her earlier?? I could've prevented this." I cried. 

"Seth, it's okay." Brie said, giving me a hug. "Nikki will be fine. She's a fighter. Plus, she's your best friend. She'll fight through it for you."

"We're...we're not friends anymore." I said, wiping my tears.

"What?? Why??? You two were inseparable. What happened??" she asked. 

"She...she said she can't trust me." I said. "I know she's hiding something from me. I told her to tell me but she said she can't trust me."

"She wouldn't say that. When she was in our room the other day, her ribs started hurting and she said she wished you were with her. She told me herself, he trusts you more than anyone, even me."

"She...she said that??" I asked.

"Yes she did. I also figured out that she's hiding something but she won't tell me anything. I noticed the bruises and she told me she got jumped but I really don't think that's it. I always told her I thought something was up with John. Every time I mention him now, she goes really quiet. It's like she hates talking about him." Brie said. 

"Do you think she might be hiding something about John??" Dean asked.

"She comes in with bruises almost everyday, she gets nervous when talking about John. Do you think John may be ab-" 

Roman was interrupted by the doctor who had just come out. 

"Is there anyone here for Nikki Bella??"

"Yes, is she okay??" I asked. 

"Well, she already had fractured ribs but now, they've gotten worse. I'm afraid she'll be out of action longer than before."

"Are we allowed to see her??" Brie asked. 

"Sure but you'll have to leave soon. It's getting very late."

We nodded and the doctor left. We all walked inside and saw Nikki asleep on the bed, her head bandaged up along with her ribs. It was a painful sight. I pressed my lips together, trying to keep my tears in. 

Whoever left her in this condition is going to pay. 

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A/N: Seth is having some strange dreams. Nikki got attacked. It looks like Seth still cares for her. Who do you think it was??

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