Chapter 15: 'I Can't Trust Anyone......Not Even Seth.' - Nikki Bella ♥

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The Next Morning.....

Nikki's POV:

Ever since I realized I'm in love with Seth, he's the only person who has invaded my mind. I can't seem to think about anyone else. Even though I'm stuck with an abusive boyfriend, the thought of Seth makes all my pain vanish. I decided to quickly text him before John started yelling for me.

Hey Sethie. I hope I'm not disturbing you. - Me

I got a reply almost instantly.

Nah, I was actually up for a half hour. Roman and Dean are still asleep. - Ninja 🙃

How have you been?? - Me

I've been okay. I'm missing you - Ninja 🙃

I'm missing you more. - Me

I have to wait another five days before I can see your pretty face again - Ninja 🙃

I felt a blush on my face.

Please. I already told you. I'm not pretty. - Me

You're right, you're not. You're beautiful. - Ninja 🙃

Are you flirting with me again?? 😏 - Me

I might be. 😍 - Ninja 🙃

You are such a cutie. - Me

I know, I'm adorable. 😊😇 - Ninja 🙃

You also have a really big ego 😁 - Me

Hey!! That hurt!! 😭 But it's also true so I can't really say anything 😄 - Ninja 🙃

"Nikki, get up here, now!!!" I heard John yell as I sighed. 

I'm sorry Ninja. I gotta go. - Me

No problem. I'll talk to you later. - Ninja 🙃

I locked my phone and hid it under the mattress before going up to see what John wanted.

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"Yes sir??" 

"Make Paige and I breakfast. And when you're done, come to my room."


John left and I made my way to the kitchen. I looked through all the cupboards and grabbed little bits of food John wouldn't notice if they were gone or not. I snuck to the basement and put them in my suitcase before zipping it up and heading back to the kitchen. 

I made breakfast for John and Paige and left it on the dining table. I then made my way to John's room and knocked on the door. John opened it and let me in. 

"Was there anything that you needed sir?" 

"Yeah, I still have a lot of pent up anger inside of me that I need to let out."

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45 minutes later.....

I felt tears wet my cheeks as I tried to get up. John's beatings were getting a lot worse. He used a whip on me. I couldn't believe he had so much hatred towards me. All I ever did to him was love him. I didn't understand why he was treating me like this.

I had bruises and scars covering me from top to bottom which would be very difficult to cover up with makeup. My life was going so well a couple of months ago. Why couldn't it stay like that?? 

I limped my way down to the basement and cried my eyes out. I was helpless. I couldn't get anyone's help. I couldn't defend myself. I couldn't do anything but take everything in. It was the only way I could keep my loved ones safe. It was the only way to keep Seth safe. And I'd do anything to protect him. 

I wanted to be in his arms. I wanted him to hug me, kiss me and tell me everything would be okay. But....what if Seth turns out like John?? What if Seth gets bored of me like John?? What if Seth doesn't love me??

"Nobody loves you. You don't deserve to be loved!!"  

John's words constantly replayed in my head. Maybe he was right. Nobody loves me. John doesn't love me. I'd be surprised if Brie loves me. I've always gone against her about certain things. I even went against her when it came to John. 

I know Seth doesn't love me. Seth will only see me as his best friend. But I'm scared. I'm scared Seth will turn out like John. Maybe all men are the same. They use and abuse you. I don't deserve to be loved. I don't deserve anything. I should be alone. Maybe staying single is the only way I won't get hurt. 

I can't trust anyone......not even Seth.

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A/N: Aren't their texts to each other adorable?? Nikki, how could you say you can't trust Seth??

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