Chapter 13: 'My Heart Flutters And I Feel Butterflies.' - Nikki Bella ♥

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Nikki's POV:

I quickly rushed upstairs, scared of what John might have wanted. When I got up, I saw John was fuming with rage.

"Yes...sir?" I muttered.

"I can't believe this!! Because of what that rat, Seth Rollins, said in his interview, I have to defend my US title against him at Summerslam!!!"

I smiled in my mind. I wanted so bad for John to lose his title to Seth. He didn't deserve it. He wasn't the right person to represent such a prestigious title. I was really happy for Seth. He could make history. I knew Seth was the right guy to hold the US title. Even if he is hated by the WWE Universe because of his character, in my eyes, I know he's the one.

"I'm just so angry right now!!!! You must be glad, your precious Seth is getting a title opportunity!!!"

"N-no, I'm not. I d-don't want you to l-lose your title." I said, scared at what his reaction would be. It was the hardest sentence I ever had to say. Of course I wanted Seth to win but I couldn't let John know that.

"You stuttered. Obviously you're lying!!!" John shouted. "And because you lied, I guess you're going to have to be punished. I do need to let my anger out somehow!! What better way than by letting it out on you???"

He stormed towards me. I could feel my breathing getting heavier and my heart beating faster and faster. John raised his fist, connecting it with my face, making me fall to the ground in tears. He punched and kicked me over and over, throwing me all over the room like I was a toy.  

I had never been beaten the way John was. Even my matches weren't as dangerous as John was being. 

"You little slut. You ruined my life!!!" 

"Why did you get with me then??" I asked.

"Because you needed me. You were a nobody until I got with you. The only reason you're so popular is because of me. I used to love you but now, you're just a burden. Not just on me but on everyone. Nobody loves you. You don't deserve to be loved!!"

That hit me like a ton of bricks. Maybe John was right. Nobody loves me. John doesn't love me anymore. No-one does. I bet not even Seth does. 

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30 minutes later..... 

John finally stopped beating on me and left to have sex with Paige. I was still on the ground, covered in bruises with hot tears streaming down my face. I tried to get up but a horrible feeling of pain shot up my body, making me cry in pain as I fell back on the ground. 

After a while when I felt I had gained enough energy, I picked myself up from the ground and limped down to the basement. As soon as I got to the bottom of the basement stairs, I felt my body go numb as I collapsed onto my torn up mattress, everything going black.

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I was woken up to someone shaking me. My eyes fluttered open and met Seth's beautiful brown ones. 

"Nikki, what happened?? Why were you lying unconscious on the ground??" Seth asked.

I had to tell him. I couldn't take the abuse from John any longer. I felt tears grow in my eyes as I sobbed, leaning my head on his chest. 

"Nikks, what happened?" Seth asked softly.

"J-John has been a-abusing me. He said I wasn't allowed to tell anyone or he'd hurt e-everyone I love. Especially you. I-I couldn't let him do that to you because....I love you Seth and I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt because of me." I cried.

Seth looked shocked but then his face softened.

"I love you too Nikki." he said, making me smile. 

He leant in and I felt his soft lips against mine. After feeling the sparks between us, I knew he was the one for me.

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1 hour later.....

I woke up, still feeling the horrible pain in my body but it wasn't as bad as it was before. I broke down into tears, realizing what my life had become. From fame, fortune and a loving boyfriend to me living in a basement with a limited amount of food and an abusive partner. I had everything and just like that, it was taken from me. All because of my blinded love for John. 

Why??? Why didn't I listen to Brie?? She said something was off about John but I didn't listen. Maybe Brie was right about Seth being the perfect guy for me. I mean, sure, he makes me happy, he makes time for me, he makes me smile, he defends me, he finds his happiness in me, he compliments me but what does that mean? Why did I have that dream about Seth and I?

I didn't realize that every time I'm around him, my heart flutters and I feel butterflies. What do these signs mean?? 

I do feel happy around him, all the time. I'm always so comfortable around Seth. I know I can be myself but for some reason, when I was around John, I always felt the need to act differently.

Then the realization hit me right in the face. I knew why I had that dream. I'm in love with my best friend. 

I'm in love with Seth Rollins......

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A/N: Nikki loves Seth!!!! I wanna dance. This is soooooo cute.

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