Chapter 16: "I'm Not Supposed To Feel Like This." - Seth Rollins ♥

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Seth's POV:

Roman and Dean have been noticing that I've been acting strange. Ever since what I saw in the cinema, my dream and when I realized I'm in love with Nikki, I couldn't help but feel guilty. When I feel guilty about something, I do really ridiculous things. This morning, I called Roman Dean and Dean Roman. When I was making my cereal, instead of using milk, I used water. 

My brain was all over the place. I wanted to make my feelings vanish but I couldn't. I couldn't control my feelings. The truth was that I had fallen for Nikki.....and I had fallen hard. I was doing everything I could to get my mind off her but I couldn't. It was like she was tattooed onto my brain. No matter how much you try, it won't come off. 

"Seth, man, what is going on with you??" Dean asked, sitting next to me.

"What do you mean?? I'm fine." I said, trying to act normal.

"Says the guy who added potato chips into his cereal today." Roman said, sitting on my other side. 

"What?? I did that??" I asked. 

"Yeah, you were eating it like it was a normal thing to do." Dean said. "What's going on?? Are you guilty about something??"

"No!! Why would I be guilty??" 

"Seth, we've known each other for years now. We're brothers. Our bond is stronger than the bond between real brothers. We know that you're lying. You're our little brother. We just wanna help." Roman said. 

Should I tell Roman and Dean?? I trust them more than my life. They're always with me and always supporting me. They've told me a bunch of their secrets that nobody knows. This one time, Roman was super drunk in a club and ended up making out with a pole. Literally, a cold metal pole. Galina doesn't know to this day. One time, Dean was also really drunk. He was walking around when a police officer found him. He somehow thought the police guy was Renee and pecked him before fainting in our arms. 

I sighed. "Okay, I'll tell you but you both have to swear you won't tell anyone." 

"We swear we won't tell anyone." they both said. 

"That's not good enough for me." I said. "Roman, you have to swear on Galina and JoJo."

"Is it really bad??" Roman asked. 

"I honestly don't know but if you want to know, you have to swear on them. I can't risk this coming out to anyone."

"I swear on Galina and JoJo." he said. 

"Good, Dean, you have to swear on Renee you won't tell anyone." 

"Fine. I swear on Renee. Your secret won't come out." Dean said. "Can you tell us now??"

I took a deep breath. "I.....I'm.......I...."

"If you keep saying, 'I...I...' we're not going to get very far." Roman said, making me glare at him.

"I'm saying it. Just let me get it out. I.......I'm.....I'm in......I......dammit, I can't say it. It's horrible. Well, it's not horrible but it's so wrong."

"Just....write it down then." Dean suggested. 

I got up and grabbed a piece of paper and pretended to not find the pen. 

"There's no pen. I guess I can't tell you." I said, pretending to be disappointed. 

"You're so blind. It's right next to you." Roman said, making me look at it. 

"Ohhhhhhh, yes it is." I said, annoyed he saw it. 

I grabbed the pen but what I was feeling was so wrong. I didn't have the guts to say it or even write it. I felt horrible for having feelings for Nikki. I felt like I was betraying her. 

Do you remember when I said I do stupid things when I'm guilty?? Well, I did a stupid thing again. I showed Dean and Roman the paper.

"Urrrr, Seth??? Why have you drawn a teletubbie??" Dean asked. 

"What??" I looked at the paper and saw I drew the red teletubbie. I'm pretty sure his name was Po. I used to love him when I was little. 

"Seth, I'm really hoping you're not trying to tell us you murdered someone." Roman said. 

"No, I....wait." 

I wrote on another bit of paper and handed it to them. 

"Why would you write 'Drink it in man.'? Isn't that Jericho's catchphrase??" asked Dean. 

"Seth, why are you stalling??? Just tell us already." Roman said. 

"I'm not stalling, okay. You know I do stupid things when I'm guilty. It's just gonna take me a while to get it out. You know I'm not one of those people who share their feelings."

"Well, whatever it is, we need to get it out. It's eating you up inside." Dean said.

"I know it is. It's just too much pressure." I said. 

Roman looked at Dean and they both smirked. What were they planning?? 

"Come on Seth. Tell us." 

"Just let it out."

"Seth, you need to get it out."

All I could hear was the constant nagging from Roman and Dean. It was starting to get to me and what I said next, I had no control over. 


My eyes widened as I covered my mouth as soon as the sentence escaped from my lips. I looked at Roman who looked shocked as did Dean. They obviously wasn't expecting that.

"How?? How could you love Nikki?? She's your best friend and worst of all, she has a boyfriend." Roman pointed out.

"I know. That's why I feel so guilty. I'm not supposed to feel like this. My brain is telling me it feels so wrong but my heart is telling me it right."

"So, how did you find out?" Dean asked.

I explained what happened at the cinema and what I saw in my dream.

"No wonder you were all up in that scene." Roman said.

"Yeah, I was still confused as to why you were screaming, 'this is so wrong' in your sleep. Now we know." Dean said.

"Guys, this is not right. I shouldn't be feeling this way. What if Nikki finds out?? I know I'll definitely not have her as my girlfriend but I don't want to lose her as my best friend. She means too much to me."

"Well, you can't control your feelings. You have to wait for your feelings to fade away. If they do. Nikki's not gonna be here for another five days. That should be enough time to get over her. Maybe you shouldn't talk to her for a while." Roman said.

"But I don't want to make it seem like I'm purposely ignoring her. I don't want her to hate me."

"Just tell her you need a couple days to yourself. Pretend you're still trying to get over Leighla. She'll leave you alone for a while." Dean suggested.

"That could work."

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  

A/N: Seth, you are ridiculous. He's weird. Now Roman and Dean know. What will happen next??

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