Chapter 38: 'Everything We Had.....It's All Gone.' - Seth Rollins ♥

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Later on the same evening.....

Dean's POV:

Roman and I were in the hospital with Seth. He needed his hand cleaned and bandaged up. The whole time we were heading here, Seth wouldn't stop crying. He wasn't proper crying. He just constantly had tears running down his face. I felt horrible for him. This was Seth's second heart break.

"Now, you've gotten a broken hand alright?? What happened??" the doctor asked as he looked at his hand. Roman and I both looked at Seth.

"I....I was angry about something.....and I punched t-the wall." he whispered.

"Well, you have to be more careful. You're lucky you don't have anymore fragments of glass in your hand. It could have been fatal."

After the doctor cleaned Seth up, we left the hospital. 

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As we were walking back to the hotel, poor Seth was still in tears.

"How about we go back to the hotel and play your favorite video game??" I suggested, hoping it would cheer him up.

"I...I don't want to." 

"Okay, how about a late night horror film?? We know how much you love those." Roman said.

Seth simply shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut as more tears spilled.

"Seth, come on, you gotta cheer up. Summerslam is this Sunday. You need to make sure you're fit and healthy."

"Does it look like I care???!!! I was going to do that match for Nikki and Nikki only but she doesn't seem to give a fuck about me so w-what's the point??!!!" he said, his voice cracking.

"Seth-" I went over to touch him but he moved away.

"You know what?? Forget about me. It's not like anyone cares about me anyways. The fans are right. I'm a good for nothing sell out." he said before running away. 

"Seth!!" we called out but he ignored us.

I pulled my phone out and dialed Nikki's number.

"Nikki, where are you??"

"I'm l-leaving the arena."

"Why are you talking like that??"

"I....urrr........John.....he.....hit me again."

"Don't lie Nikki. We saw you making out with John."

"You saw that?? No, did Seth see it??"

"Well, he was with us so yes, he saw it."

"No, no, no. Where is he??"

"Well, first he went to the hotel and smashed everything in it, including his hand. Then we went to the hospital to get it bandaged up and me and Roman are still standing in the street and Seth has run back to the hotel in tears."

"No, I didn't kiss John intentionally. He forced me to."

"Well, you got some explaining to do to a broken hearted Seth."

"I'll explain everything. I'm on my way."

I put my phone away and Roman and I made our way to the hotel to check on Seth.

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When Roman and I got to mine and Seth's room, we could hear sobbing coming from the other side of the door. I looked at Roman who was looking at me with sad eyes. I opened the door and saw Seth, sitting on the floor with his back leaning on the bed, crying his eyes out.

He looked up at us with his teary eyes and I noticed his eyes beginning to water again. Roman and I both went and sat down at either side of him.

"I-I'm sorry for y-yelling at you like that. I-I just-"

"Hey, it's alright." Roman said as Seth put his head on my shoulder and cried. 

Roman put his hand on Seth's shoulder as I stroked Seth's hair, trying to calm him down. Nikki has a lot of explaining to do.

"Hey Seth, why don't we order room service?? Lets forget about girls and have a guys night in." I said.

Seth lifted his head, looking at me. "Please cheer up Seth. We don't like seeing the baby hound of the Shield upset like this. It hurts."

I could see the corners of his mouth twitch up so I knew I was making some sort of progress.

"How about you go and change whilst Dean and I order room service??" Roman said.

"O-okay." Seth wiped his tears and got up, going into the next room to change.

"I hate seeing Seth like this." Roman said.

"I know. I just hope Nikki will clear everything up as soon as possible."

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Seth's POV:

After I changed, I went back into the main room and saw everything was tidied up. 

"I-I'm sorry for all t-this." I whispered, looking down.

"It's fine Seth. You're heartbroken and we get it. You don't have to apologize." Dean said. 

I still wanted to cry but I kept the tears in for Roman and Dean. 

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." Dean said, running inside.

"I'm gonna go and change real quick. I'll be back in a second." Roman said, going into the bedroom.

I sat down on the sofa, thinking about everything that happened today. Nikki just ended everything with me. Everything we's all gone. I knew everything was too good to be true. I was living in a dream and I just so happened to wake up at the worst time.

Maybe it was me. Maybe I couldn't treat her the way John did. John has a giant house with a pool and all the luxuries anyone could ever want. I didn't have that. I had a big house but not nearly as big as John's. Maybe Nikki and I weren't meant to be after all. Maybe this was fate telling me that I'm not the right guy for her. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

"Seth, can you got the door?? It's probably room service." I heard Roman call from the other room.

I sighed and got up, making my way to the door. I opened it and felt my heart nearly explode in shock. 


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A/N: Dun dun duuuuuuunnnnnn!!!! Nikki's at the door. How will Seth react??

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