Chapter 11: 'I Couldn't Tell Seth Or Anyone Else.' - Nikki Bella ♥

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 Nikki's POV:

I felt as if time had stopped. Was what I was seeing real or was I hallucinating?? I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. There, I could see with my own eyes, John, in bed with Paige. They were both naked, their clothes all over the floor. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, kind of like when you smash a glass on the floor. 

This was why I didn't see him for a month. He was too 'busy' fucking Paige!! Now everything made sense. Why he ignored me when we went out of dinner. Why he didn't compliment me.

"John." I muttered, making both Paige and John look at me. Paige looked shocked and John looked annoyed. 

"What are you doing here??" John asked. 

"I had the week off and decided to spend some time at home. What I didn't expect was to come home and see my boyfriend fucking someone!!"

John got off the bed and walked towards me, viciously grabbing my arm and pulling me out into the corridor. 

"I....I can't believe you John. I....I loved you so much. I trusted you and this is what you do to me???"

"Yes, this is what I'm doing to you. Let's face it. You're boring Nikki. I used to love you but I got bored. You're stuck up, you're self absorbed. You're just a bitch. You don't deserve to be loved."

I couldn't believe John was saying all those horrible things about me. The man that I once loved, was insulting me.

"I can't stay in this relationship with you." I said, tears running down my face. 

"No, you are staying in this relationship. I don't need you going around and telling people what I've been doing. Especially your precious little Seth. You're lucky I didn't beat his ass up when he humiliated me at the radio station. I don't need you ruining my reputation."

"There's no way I'm staying with you. After everything you've done and you still expect me to stay with you?? No way." I cried. "I'm leaving."

I turned around to leave when John grabbed a hold of my arm, pulling me to face him before I felt a painful sting on my cheek. He slapped me??? This was the first time John had ever raised his hand on me. The first time anyone raised their hand on me. I felt my tears spilling out of my eyes. 

"You are staying right here, and if you don't, you have no idea what else I can do to you, understand??" he growled. 

I whimpered as I nodded.

"If you think about telling anyone, and I mean anyone, your days will be numbered, so will your family's. And you have no idea what I will do to Seth if you even think about telling him. I will hurt everyone that you love." he threatened. "Go and make dinner for me and Paige."

I couldn't move. I was still shocked. I felt like a part of me had been robbed.

"NOW!!!" John screamed, making me jump and run downstairs to the kitchen. 

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30 minutes later.....

I made dinner for John and Paige and went back up to what used to be my bedroom. As I got closer, I could hear the moans coming from them which only broke my heart more. I gathered all of my courage and knocked on the door. The moans stopped and I could hear shuffling before John opened the door.

"Ahhhh, the maid has brought us dinner." John said, which felt like a stab to the heart. 

He took the tray from me. "Now, go away."

"Where do I go?? You took our room."

"It's not your room anymore. This room is mine and Paige's. Your stuff is in your new room."

"Where's my new room?"

"In the basement, where else?"

"I'm not going to-" Then he slapped me again, making more tears spill.

"You're going to the basement, understand??" he growled. 

I nodded and he closed the door, leaving me in the dark hallway. I slowly walked down to the dusty basement. All my belongings were thrown all over the floor. 

I tidied the basement up, trying to make it dust free as much as I could. The only thing that I could sleep on was a old, torn up mattress. I changed my clothes and sat down on the mattress, feeling my sorrows over take me. Tears flooded my eyes as I let out loud sobs. I cried and cried and cried until I felt as if all my tears were gone. 

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts. I clicked on Seth's number and let my thumb hover over the call button. After a minute, I locked my phone and put it down. I couldn't tell Seth or anyone else. If John found out, he would hurt them and I don't want them to get hurt because of me. 

Whatever John was going to do to me, I would have to silently take in. 

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A/N: John hit Nikki??!! Am I the only one who wants to punch him right now??

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