Chapter 14: 'I'd Realized One Thing That I Knew Was So Wrong.' - Seth Rollins ♥

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Seth's POV:

I sighed as I put my phone down. I was really missing Nikki and I wasn't ashamed to admit it. Roman and Dean were still in the living room, arguing over what video game they should play. Me being the glue of what used to be The Shield and still the glue of our friendship, I went over to sort things out.

"I wanna play GTA." Roman said.

"We play that all the time. I wanna play 2K17." Dean said. 


"How about we all just go and watch a movie??" I said, getting tired of hearing them argue.

"Okay." they both said smiling, walking to their rooms to get ready. 

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes, I felt like I wasn't their brother but I was their dad instead. Most people seem to think Roman is the fatherly one of us three since he has a daughter. The truth was, I already have two sons that nobody knows about. 

Roman and Dean.

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10 minutes later.....

I couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. I didn't know what was wrong but I knew there was something. I just couldn't put my finger on it. Roman and Dean finished getting ready and we all headed to the cinema. 

We bought tickets for a movie and also bought lots of popcorn and slushies. We went inside and the lights went out as the movie started. 

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Towards the end of the movie......

The film as going great so far. Me and the guys were really enjoying it. We were watching the last scene of the movie, the romantic part of the film where the guy confesses to the girl how much he loves her. I turned my attention away from the screen for a few seconds to grab some popcorn from the bucket Dean was holding.

I turned my attention back to the screen and my eyes widened when I saw instead of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, I saw me and Nikki. Was I dreaming or were me and Nikki secretly filmed together and didn't know it?

"There's something I have to tell you." I said.

"I need to tell you something too." Nikki said.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the screen again, still seeing Nikki and I.

"I've kept this in me for a long time now but I can't keep it in any longer. I love you Nikki. I've loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. I just couldn't ever be with you because you were with John and I was with Leighla. We slowly became the best of friends which only made it harder for me because I didn't want to scare you away."

"I love you too Seth. I really wanted to tell you for so long but I never got the guts too. I th-"

I interrupted Nikki by pulling her closer to me, smashing my lips against hers. Our lips melted into one. I could feel the sparks between us. Nikki had the softest, most tender lips a girl could have. 

"Seth??!!!" I heard Roman say, pulling my attention to him. 

"Huh, what??" I looked at the screen and saw Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie kissing before it faded away and the credits appeared. 

"You were all into that scene." Dean said. 

"Urrrr......I......uurrrr." I didn't have any words. Why on earth did I see me and Nikki? I was confused out of my mind.

It Feels....So Right | Neth Bellins | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now